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Manual Page Search Parameters

PKG-SEARCH(8) System Manager's Manual PKG-SEARCH(8)

pkg searchsearch package repository catalogues

pkg search [-U] [-r reponame] [-S search] [-L label] [-Q query-modifier] [-Cegix] pattern

pkg search [-cDdfopqRsU] [-r reponame] [-Cegix] pattern

pkg search [--no-repo-update] [--repository reponame] [--search search] [--label label] [--query-modifier query-modifier] [--{case-sensitive,exact,glob,case-insensitive,regex}] pattern

pkg search [--{comment,description,depends-on,full,origins,prefix}] [--{quiet,raw,size,no-repo-update}] [--repository reponame] [--{case-sensitive,exact,glob,case-insensitive,regex}] [--raw-format format] pattern

pkg search is used for searching package repository catalogues. Packages available for installation can be matched by name, by name and version, by origin, or by text in the package comments or package descriptions. The output defaults to displaying the field matched by the search term, but any of the searchable fields may be displayed. The output may be modified to additionally show many other package data available from the repository catalogues.

Package repository catalogues will be automatically updated whenever pkg search is run by a user ID with write access to the package database, unless disabled by the -U flag or setting REPO_AUTOUPDATE to in pkg.conf(5).

Package repositories are defined in the pkg.conf file or by creating repository definitions in /usr/local/etc/pkg/repos. See pkg.conf(5) for details.

The following options are supported by pkg search:

, --case-sensitive
Make the exact (-e) or the regular expression (-x) matching against pkg-name case sensitive.
, --comment
Search for packages with comment text matching pattern. Equivalent to -S comment.
, --description
Search for packages with description text matching pattern. Equivalent to -S description.
, --depends-on
Display the list of packages depended on by each matched package. Equivalent to -Q depends-on.
, --exact
pattern should be an exact match against the search field.
, --full
Show ``full'' information about the package. Equivalent to -Q full.
, --glob
Treat pattern as a shell globbing expression. The glob pattern must match the entire field being searched.
, --case-insensitive
Make the exact (-e) or regular expression (-x) matching against pattern case insensitive. This is the default, unless modified by setting CASE_SENSITIVE_MATCH to true in pkg.conf.
label, --label label
Select which identifying label is printed for each matched package, unless -q is used. Several different fields from the repository catalogue database may be used to search on, or to generate the label, as indicated by the label argument. See the "Search and Label Options" section for details. If unspecified, label is set to the same as the value searched via the -S search option.
, --origins
List packages by origin for each package matching pattern. Equivalent to -L origin.
, --prefix
Display the package installation prefix for each matched package. Equivalent to -Q prefix.
, --quiet
Be “quiet”. Produce less output. In particular do not show an identifying label field for each package.
query-modifier, --query-modifier query-modifier
Modify the query output by adding an additional field to the result. Multiple fields can be added by using additional -Q query-modifier flags. See the "Output Modifier Options" section for details.
reponame, --repository reponame
Search for packages from only the named repository, irrespective of the configured “active” status from repo.conf. By default all repository catalogues marked “active” are searched.
, --raw
Display the full manifest (raw) from the matching packages.
search, --search search
Specify the field to search the repository catalogue on. If unspecified, searches on pkg-name unless the search term contains a character, when it searches on port origin. Output will be sorted in order of the search field. See the "Search and Label Options" sections for more details.
Choose the format of the raw output. The format can be: json, json-compact, yaml (default).
, --size
Display the installed size of matched packages. Equivalent to -Q size.
Suppress the automatic update of the local copy of the repository catalogue from remote. Automatic repository catalogue updates are only attempted when the effective UID of the process has write access to the package database. Otherwise they are silently ignored.
, --regex
Treat pattern as a regular expression according to the "modern" or "extended" syntax of re_format(7). This is the default. Matches any substring of the search field unless explicit beginning or ending anchor terms are used.

The following database fields (or composites of several fields) can be used both for searching for a match to the given pattern and as identifying labels for the block of output for each package.

The one line comment field describing the port, derived from the COMMENT variable in the port's Makefile. When chosen as a label option, the output format will additionally include the package name, equivalent to -L pkg-name -Q comment. When chosen as a search option, only the comment field is used for sorting the output.
The multi-line package description from the pkg-descr file in the port. This does include the WWW URL reference, if any, from that file. When chosen as a label option, the output format will additionally include the package name, equivalent to -L pkg-name -Q description. When chosen as a search option, only the description field is used for sorting the output.
The name of the package, derived from the PORTNAME variable in the port's Makefile.
The port origin, in the format category/port, that the package was compiled from.
The package name in the format name-version. The same as the PKGNAME variable in the port's Makefile.

Any unambiguous prefix of the label name may be used on the command line. Thus -Sd, -S descr and -S description are all equivalent.

Additional data from the repository catalogue to print for each matched package. Multiple output modifiers can be combined. Where more than one output field is required, either because multiple -Q query-modifier options were given, or one or more -Q query-modifier option was combined with the -L comment or -L description options, then each output field will be tagged with the field name.

Arbitrary text in tag-value format that can be added to any package.
The architecture string indicating what OS version and CPU architecture the package is suitable for. For example, freebsd:9:x86:64 indicates a package suitable for FreeBSD 9.x running on an amd64 processor, while freebsd:* indicates an architecture independent package suitable for any version of FreeBSD.
All categories, real and virtual, the underlying package belongs to, derived from the CATEGORIES variable in the port's Makefile.
The one line comment field describing the port, derived from the COMMENT variable in the port's Makefile.
The list of packages the named package depends on. Dependency packages are listed in the format name-version one per line. If the port has no dependencies, nothing will be output for this field, including suppressing the tag name when multiple output fields are requested.
The multi-line package description from the pkg-descr file in the port. This does include the WWW URL reference, if any, from that file.
Show a standard set of fields, equivalent to a combination of the name, version, origin, prefix, repository, categories, , maintainer, www, comment, options, shared-libs-required, shared-libs-provided, annotations, size, pkg-size and fields, in that order.
Displays a list of all the licenses the package is released under on a single line. Where more than one license applies, indicate if the terms of all licenses should apply or if one or more licenses may be selected out of those available .
Display the maintainer's e-mail address.
Display the port name, which is derived from the PORTNAME variable in the port's Makefile.
Displays a list of the port options and their state ( or ) when the package was built. If the package does not have any options to set, nothing will be output for this field, including suppressing the tag name when multiple output fields are requested.
Display the size of the compressed package tarball, i.e., how much would need to be downloaded from the repository.
Display the installation prefix for the package, usually /usr/local.
Displays the repository name and the corresponding base URL for the repository. For a default repository defined in pkg.conf.
Displays all of the packages in the repository that require the named package as a dependency. Dependency packages are listed in the format name-version one per line. If no other packages require the named package, nothing will be output for this field, including suppressing the tag name when multiple output fields are requested.
If the package contains dynamically linked FreeBSD ELF binaries, display a list of all of the shared libraries other than those from the base system required for those binaries to run. Shared libraries for foreign (e.g., Linux) binaries run under emulation will not be displayed. If the package does not require any shared libraries, nothing will be output for this field including suppressing the tag name when multiple fields are requested.
If the package contains any shared libraries, display a list of the library names, including the ABI version number, if any. A shared library, of either the same or differing ABI versions, may legitimately be provided by more than installed package, but this frequently indicates a problem.
Display the total amount of filesystem space the package files will take up once unpacked and installed.
Display the URL that would be used to download the package from the repository.
Display the package version, which is derived from the PKGVERSION variable in the port's Makefile.
Display the general URL, if any, for the project developing the software used in the package. This is extracted from the pkg-descr file in the port.

Any unambiguous prefix of the query modifier name may be used on the command line. Thus -Qm, -Q maint and -Q maintainer are all equivalent, but you need to use at least -Q si and -Q sh to distinguish size from shared-libs-required or shared-libs-provided, and you'll need at least -Q shared-libs-p
to select the shared-libs-provided unambiguously.

The following environment variables affect the execution of pkg search. See pkg.conf(5) for further description.


See pkg.conf(5).

pkg_printf(3), pkg_repos(3), pkg-repository(5), pkg.conf(5), pkg(8), pkg-add(8), pkg-annotate(8), pkg-audit(8), pkg-autoremove(8), pkg-backup(8), pkg-check(8), pkg-clean(8), pkg-config(8), pkg-convert(8), pkg-create(8), pkg-delete(8), pkg-fetch(8), pkg-info(8), pkg-install(8), pkg-lock(8), pkg-query(8), pkg-register(8), pkg-repo(8), pkg-rquery(8), pkg-set(8), pkg-shell(8), pkg-shlib(8), pkg-ssh(8), pkg-stats(8), pkg-update(8), pkg-updating(8), pkg-upgrade(8), pkg-version(8), pkg-which(8)

November 18, 2014 DragonFly-5.6.1