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PKG-REPO(8) System Manager's Manual PKG-REPO(8)

pkg repocreate a package repository catalogue

pkg repo [-lqL] [-o output-dir] [-m meta-file] ⟨repo-path⟩ [⟨rsa-key⟩ | signing_command: ⟨the command⟩]

pkg repo [--{list-files,quiet,legacy}] [--output-dir output-dir] [--meta-file meta-file] ⟨repo-path⟩ [⟨rsa-key⟩ | signing_command: ⟨the command⟩]

pkg repo is used to create a catalogue of the available packages in a repository. pkg repo catalogues are necessary for sharing your package repository, and are intrinsic to the operation of pkg install or pkg upgrade.

The repository files created by pkg repo consist of a number of compressed tar archives stored typically at the top level of the repository filesystem. Of these, meta.txz must exist at the apex of the repository filesystem. This is a well-known name that is hard-wired into pkg(8).

meta.txz contains at least one file: meta which contains a key to the location and format of the other files comprising the catalogue information. Other files may have arbitrary names as defined in meta, but conventionally the following names are used.

digests.txz contains digests which lists the cryptographic checksums for each of the packages in the repository. This is downloaded when SIGNATURE_TYPE is set to FINGERPRINTS in the repository configuration.

filesite.txz contains filesite.yaml which is a database of all of the files present in all of the packages in the repository, containing filenames, file sizes and checksums. Generating filesite.txz involves significant additional system resources and is not usually done.

packagesite.txz similarly contains at least one file packagesite.yaml, which is a YAML document listing selected metadata for each of the packages in the repository. This is the key file containing the working data used by pkg(8) and includes the run-time dependencies for each package, plus shared library dependencies and similar data that are used by pkg(8) to solve package dependency problems.

In addition to the files already mentioned, the .txz archives may also contain cryptographic signatures. These will be produced when the internal signature mechanism of pkg repo is enabled.

Repository users download these files to their local machines, where they are processed into per-repository sqlite databases for fast lookup of available packages by programs such as pkg-install(8).

To create a package repository catalogue, specify the top-level directory beneath which all the packages are stored as repo-path. pkg repo will search the filesystem beneath repo-path to find all the packages it contains. Directories starting with ‘.’ or named Latest are not traversed.

The repository files will be created in the top-level repository directory unless relocated by specifying -o output-dir or --output-dir output-dir.

Optionally, the repository catalogue may be cryptographically signed. This is enabled either by specifying the path to an RSA private key as the rsa-key argument or by using an external command.

If rsa-key is used, the SHA256 of the repository is signed using the provided key. The signature is added into the repository catalogue. The client side should use SIGNATURE_TYPE set to PUBKEY and PUBKEY set to a local path of the public key in its repository configuration file.

An external command can be useful to create a signing server to keep the private key separate from the repository. The external command is passed the SHA256 of the repository catalogue on its stdin. It should output the following format:

signature data here
public key data here

When using an external command, the client's pkg.conf must have SIGNATURE_TYPE set to FINGERPRINTS and FINGERPRINTS set to a directory having a trusted/myrepo containing a fingerprint style representation of the public key:

function: sha256
fingerprint: sha256_representation_of_the_public_key

See the EXAMPLES section and pkg.conf(5) for more information.

Signing the catalogue is strongly recommended.

The following options are supported by pkg repo:

, --quiet
Force quiet output.
, --legacy
Create a repository compatible with pkg 1.2. Note that this is only required if the repository clients will not be upgrading to pkg 1.3+. Older versions of pkg can upgrade themselves even from non-legacy. repositories, provided pkg itself is included in those repositories.
meta-file, --meta-file meta-file
Use the specified file as repository meta file instead of the default settings.
, --list-files
Generate list of all files in repo as filesite.txz archive.
output-dir, --output-dir output-dir
Create the repository in the specified directory instead of the package directory.

See pkg.conf(5).

pkg_printf(3), pkg_repos(3), pkg-repository(5), pkg.conf(5), pkg(8), pkg-add(8), pkg-annotate(8), pkg-audit(8), pkg-autoremove(8), pkg-backup(8), pkg-check(8), pkg-clean(8), pkg-config(8), pkg-convert(8), pkg-create(8), pkg-delete(8), pkg-fetch(8), pkg-info(8), pkg-install(8), pkg-lock(8), pkg-query(8), pkg-register(8), pkg-rquery(8), pkg-search(8), pkg-set(8), pkg-shell(8), pkg-shlib(8), pkg-ssh(8), pkg-stats(8), pkg-update(8), pkg-updating(8), pkg-upgrade(8), pkg-version(8), pkg-which(8)

Create an RSA key pair:

% openssl genrsa -out repo.key 2048
% chmod 0400 repo.key
% openssl rsa -in repo.key -out -pubout

Create a repository and sign it with a local RSA key. The public key would be shared on all client servers with SIGNATURE_TYPE set to PUBKEY and its path set via PUBKEY setting in the repository configuration file:

pkg repo /usr/dports/packages repo.key

Create a repository and sign it with an external command. The client should set, via the repository configuration file, SIGNATURE_TYPE to FINGERPRINTS and FINGERPRINTS to a path containing a file with the SHA256 of the public key:

# On signing server:
% cat > << EOF
read -t 2 sum
[ -z "$sum" ] && exit 1
echo -n $sum | /usr/bin/openssl dgst -sign repo.key -sha256 -binary
echo CERT
echo END

# On package server:
% pkg repo /usr/dports/packages signing_command: ssh signing-server
# Generate fingerprint for sharing with clients
% sh -c '( echo "function: sha256"; echo "fingerprint: $(sha256 -q"; ) > fingerprint'
# The 'fingerprint' file should be distributed to all clients.

# On clients with FINGERPRINTS: /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/myrepo:
$ mkdir -p /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/myrepo/trusted
# Add 'fingerprint' into /usr/local/etc/pkg/fingerprints/myrepo/trusted

May 9, 2016 DragonFly-5.6.1