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PKG_REPOS(3) Library Functions Manual PKG_REPOS(3)

pkg_repos, pkg_repos_total_count, pkg_repos_activated_count pkg_repo_url, pkg_repo_ident, pkg_repo_name, pkg_repo_ident_from_name pkg_repo_key, pkg_repo_fingerprints pkg_repo_signature_type, pkg_repo_mirror_type, pkg_repo_enabled pkg_repo_priority, pkg_repo_find_ident, pkg_repo_find_namemanipulate repositories

library “libpkg”

#include <pkg.h>

pkg_repos(struct pkg_repo **r);



const char *
pkg_repos_url(struct pkg_repo *);

const char *
pkg_repo_ident(struct pkg_repo *);

const char *
pkg_repo_name(struct pkg_repo *);

const char *
pkg_repo_ident_from_name(const char *);

const char *
pkg_repo_key(struct pkg_repo *);

const char *
pkg_repo_fingerprints(struct pkg_repo *);

pkg_repo_signature_type(struct pkg_repo *);

pkg_repo_enabled(struct pkg_repo *);

unsigned int
pkg_repo_priority(struct pkg_repo *);

pkg_repo_mirror_type(struct pkg_repo *);

struct pkg_repo *
pkg_repo_find_ident(const char *ident);;
struct pkg_repo *
pkg_repo_find_name(const char *name);;

() Takes the address of a pointer to the repository. The pointer should be initialised to NULL before being passed to the function, on each iteration the r will point to the new repository. Returns EPKG_FATAL if an error occurred, otherwise return EPKG_OK until the last repository is found in that case EPKG_END is returned.

() returns the total number of defined repositories.

() returns the total number of "enabled" repositories.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the "url" defined for this repository.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the internal identification string of the repository.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the "name" of the repository.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the path to the public key. If the repository is not signed by a public key, NULL will be returned.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the path to the fingerprints. If the repository is not signed using the "FINGERPRINT" method, NULL will be returned.

() Take a pointer to a repository as argument and return the type of signature it uses.

The repository is not signed
The repository is signed using the PUBKEY method
The repository is signed using the FINGERPRINT method

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns true if the repository is "enabled". Otherwise, return false.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the priority of the repository as an unsigned integer. Packages ae chosed preferentially from the repository with the highest priority value and which has that package available.

() takes a pointer to a repository as argument and returns the type of mirroring it uses.

The repository is using SRV record query to get the mirrors.
The repository is using the HTTP query method to get the mirrors.
The repository does not have any mirror.

() Take an internal indentification string as argument and return a pointer to a repository. If no repository matches, NULL is returned.

() Take a repository "name" as argument and return a pointer to a repository. If no repository matches, NULL is returned.

February 8, 2015 DragonFly-5.6.1