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WSBELL(4) Device Drivers Manual WSBELL(4)

wsbellgeneric bell support in wscons

wsbell* at spkr? console?

The wsbell driver utilizes the speaker(4) driver to provide a system bell with or without a keyboard for the wscons(4) framework. When a bell character is received on a wsdisplay(4) screen, wsbell sounds the bell.

The wsconsctl(8) utility gives access to several configurable parameters that effect the sound of the system bell.

The following ioctl(2) calls are provided by the wsbell driver. Their definitions are found in dev/wscons/wsconsio.h.

Will sound the default bell.
Will return a struct wskbd_bell_data with the current bell parameters.
Takes a struct wskbd_bell_data and uses it to set the bell parameters. These are used by the WSKBDIO_BELL ioctl(2) call.
Will sound a bell using a supplied struct wskbd_bell_data for its parameters.
Will return a struct wskbd_bell_data with the default bell parameters.
Takes a struct wskbd_bell_data and uses it to set the default bell parameters.

Ioctls use the following structure:

struct wskbd_bell_data {
	u_int	which;			/* values to get/set */
#define	WSKBD_BELL_DOPITCH	0x1	/* get/set pitch */
#define	WSKBD_BELL_DOPERIOD	0x2	/* get/set period */
#define	WSKBD_BELL_DOVOLUME	0x4	/* get/set volume */
#define	WSKBD_BELL_DOALL	0x7	/* all of the above */
	u_int	pitch;			/* pitch, in Hz */
	u_int	period;			/* period, in milliseconds */
	u_int	volume;			/* percentage of max volume */

speaker(4), wscons(4), wskbd(4), wsmux(4), wsconsctl(8), wsbell(9)

June 13, 2017 NetBSD-9.2