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USBDI(9) Kernel Developer's Manual USBDI(9)

usbdiUSB device drivers interface

#include <dev/usb/usb.h>
#include <dev/usb/usbdi.h>
#include <dev/usb/usbdi_util.h>

usbd_open_pipe(struct usbd_interface *iface, uint8_t address, uint8_t flags, struct usbd_pipe **pipe);

usbd_close_pipe(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_transfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer);

struct usbd_xfer *
usbd_setup_xfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, void *priv, void *buffer, uint32_t length, uint16_t flags, uint32_t timeout, usbd_callback);

usbd_setup_default_xfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, struct usbd_device *dev, void *priv, uint32_t timeout, usb_device_request_t *req, void *buffer, uint32_t length, uint16_t flags, usbd_callback);

usbd_setup_isoc_xfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, void *priv, uint16_t *frlengths, uint32_t nframes, uint16_t flags, usbd_callback);

usbd_get_xfer_status(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, void **priv, void **buffer, uint32_t *count, usbd_status *status);

usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *
usbd_interface2endpoint_descriptor(struct usbd_interface *iface, uint8_t address);

usbd_abort_pipe(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_abort_default_pipe(struct usbd_device *dev);

usbd_clear_endpoint_stall(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_clear_endpoint_stall_async(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_clear_endpoint_toggle(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_endpoint_count(struct usbd_interface *dev, uint8_t *count);

usbd_interface_count(struct usbd_device *dev, uint8_t *count);

usbd_interface2device_handle(struct usbd_interface *iface, struct usbd_device **dev);

usbd_device2interface_handle(struct usbd_device *dev, uint8_t ifaceno, struct usbd_interface **iface);

struct usbd_device *
usbd_pipe2device_handle(struct usbd_pipe *pipe);

usbd_create_xfer(struct usbd_pipe *pipe, size_t len, unsigned int flags, unsigned int nframes, struct usbd_xfer **xp);

usbd_destroy_xfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer);

void *
usbd_get_buffer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer);

usbd_sync_transfer(struct usbd_xfer *req);

usbd_sync_transfer_sig(struct usbd_xfer *req);

usbd_open_pipe_intr(struct usbd_interface *iface, uint8_t address, uint8_t flags, struct usbd_pipe **pipe, void *priv, void *buffer, uint32_t length, usbd_callback callback, int interval);

usbd_do_request(struct usbd_device *dev, usb_device_request_t *req, void *data);

usbd_do_request_flags(struct usbd_device *dev, usb_device_request_t *req, void *data, uint16_t flags, int *actlen, uint32_t timo);

usb_interface_descriptor_t *
usbd_get_interface_descriptor(struct usbd_interface *iface);

usb_config_descriptor_t *
usbd_get_config_descriptor(struct usbd_device *dev);

usb_device_descriptor_t *
usbd_get_device_descriptor(struct usbd_device *dev);

usbd_set_interface(struct usbd_interface *iface, int altidx);

usbd_get_no_alts(usb_config_descriptor_t *iface, int ifaceno);

usbd_fill_deviceinfo(struct usbd_device *dev, struct usb_device_info *di);

usbd_get_interface_altindex(struct usbd_interface *iface);

usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *
usbd_get_endpoint_descriptor(struct usbd_interface *dev, uint8_t address);

usb_interface_descriptor_t *
usbd_find_idesc(usb_config_descriptor_t *cd, int iindex, int ano);

usb_endpoint_descriptor_t *
usbd_find_edesc(usb_config_descriptor_t *cd, int ifaceidx, int altidx, int endptidx);

usbd_dopoll(struct usbd_interface *iface);

usbd_set_polling(struct usbd_device *iface, int val);

const char *
usbd_errstr(usbd_status err);

usbd_add_dev_event(int type, struct usbd_device *iface);

usbd_add_drv_event(int type, struct usbd_device *iface, device_t dv);

char *
usbd_devinfo_alloc(struct usbd_device *iface, int showclass);

usbd_devinfo_free(char *str);

const struct usbd_quirks *
usbd_get_quirks(struct usbd_device *iface);

usbd_reload_device_desc(struct usbd_device *iface);

usbd_ratecheck(struct timeval *tv);

usbd_get_string(struct usbd_device *iface, int si, char *buf);

usbd_get_string0(struct usbd_device *iface, int si, char *buf, int unicode);

usb_desc_iter_init(struct usbd_device *iface, usbd_desc_iter_t *iter);

const usb_descriptor_t *
usb_desc_iter_next(usbd_desc_iter_t *iter);

usb_add_task(struct usbd_device *iface, struct usb_task *task, int queue);

usb_rem_task(struct usbd_device *iface, struct usb_task *task);

usb_init_task(struct usb_task *task, void (*func)(void *), void *arg, uint8_t, flags);

const struct usb_devno *
usb_lookup(const struct usb_devno *tbl, uint16_t vendor, uint16_t product);

The following functions have been obsoleted from usbdi.h.
void *
usbd_alloc_buffer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, uint32_t size);

usbd_free_buffer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer);

Based on the routines in usbdi.h a number of utility functions have been defined that are accessible through usbdi_util.h.
usbd_get_desc(struct usbd_device *dev, int type, int index, int len, void *desc);

usbd_get_config_desc(struct usbd_device *dev, int confidx, usb_config_descriptor_t *d);

usbd_get_config_desc_full(struct usbd_device *, int dev, void *d, int size);

usbd_get_device_desc(struct usbd_device *dev, usb_device_descriptor_t *d);

usbd_set_address(struct usbd_device *dev, int addr);

usbd_get_port_status(struct usbd_device *dev, int port, usb_port_status_t *ps);

usbd_set_hub_feature(struct usbd_device *dev, int sel);

usbd_clear_hub_feature(struct usbd_device *dev, int sel);

usbd_set_port_feature(struct usbd_device *dev, int port, int sel);

usbd_clear_port_feature(struct usbd_device *dev, int port, int sel);

usbd_get_device_status(struct usbd_device *dev, usb_status_t *st);

usbd_get_hub_status(struct usbd_device *dev, usb_hub_status_t *st);

usbd_set_protocol(struct usbd_interface *dev, int report);

usbd_get_report_descriptor(struct usbd_device *dev, int ifcno, int repid, int size, void *d);

struct usb_hid_descriptor *
usbd_get_hid_descriptor(struct usbd_interface *ifc);

usbd_set_report(struct usbd_interface *iface, int type, int id, void *data, int len);

usbd_set_report_async(struct usbd_interface *iface, int type, int id, void *data, int len);

usbd_get_report(struct usbd_interface *iface, int type, int id, void *data, int len);

usbd_set_idle(struct usbd_interface *iface, int duration, int id);

usbd_alloc_report_desc(struct usbd_interface *ifc, void **descp, int *sizep, int mem);

usbd_get_string_desc(struct usbd_device *dev, int sindex, int langid, usb_string_descriptor_t *sdesc);

usbd_delay_ms(struct usbd_device *dev, u_int ms);

usbd_set_config_no(struct usbd_device *dev, int no, int msg);

usbd_set_config_index(struct usbd_device *dev, int index, int msg);

usbd_bulk_transfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, struct usbd_pipe *pipe, uint16_t flags, uint32_t timeout, void *buf, uint32_t *size);

usbd_intr_transfer(struct usbd_xfer *xfer, struct usbd_pipe *pipe, uint16_t flags, uint32_t timeout, void *buf, uint32_t *size);

usb_detach_waitold(device_t dv);

usb_detach_wakeupold(device_t dv);

usb_detach_wait(device_t dv, kcondvar_t *cv, kmutex_t *lk);

usb_detach_broadcast(device_t dv, kcondvar_t *cv);

Device driver access to the USB bus centers around transfers. A transfer describes a communication with a USB device. A transfer is an abstract concept that can result in several physical packets being transferred to or from a device. A transfer is described by the struct usbd_xfer * cookie. A pipe is a logical connection to a USB device. It is described by the struct usbd_pipe * cookie. See the TRANSFERS and PIPES sections for more details.

There are a number of functions to obtain a handle, descriptor or resource count:

(dev, ifaceno, iface)
Fills in iface with the struct usbd_interface * for the USB device dev on interface number ifaceno.
(iface, dev)
Fills in dev with the struct usbd_device * pointer for interface iface.
Returns the struct usbd_device * associated with pipe.
(iface, address)
Returns the usb_endpoint_descriptor_t * for the particular interface iface at address address.
(dev, count)
(dev, count)
Fills in count with the number of endpoint or interfaces the USB device dev has.

Error handling and other return values are described in usbd_status(9).

Additional comments on particular functions:

Returns the string associated with err.
(type, iface)
(type, iface, dv)
The type must be one of USB_EVENT_DRIVER_ATTACH and USB_EVENT_DRIVER_DETACH. The dv corresponds with the device_t associated with the device attached or detached.
(tbl, vendor, product)
Lookup a USB device. The returned struct usb_devno pointer has these members:
  • uint16_t ud_vendor;
  • uint16_t ud_product;
The USB_PRODUCT_ANY macro can be used to match any USB product by a particular vendor.

Pipes are created and destroyed by using the usbd_open_pipe(), usbd_open_pipe_intr() and usbd_close_pipe() functions. The open functions take the interface handle iface, the address of this pipe and flags for this pipe which currently may be 0, or a combination of USBD_EXCLUSIVE_USE, to enable exclusive access to this interface and address, and USBD_MPSAFE, to allow running transfer callbacks on this pipe without first acquiring kernel_lock. The usbd_open_pipe_intr() takes additional arguments priv to set the default private handle. buffer and len to describe the buffer to be used, callback for the function to call at interrupt time, and finally the interval for interrupts to be delivered in milliseconds. The interval may be set to USBD_DEFAULT_INTERVAL use the default interval, specified by the ep. description. It is common to have more than one pipe per device.

Transfers are created and destroyed with () and (), respectively, and are associated with a pipe at their creation time. The create function takes the pipe handle pipe, the length of the largest transfer possible len, possible transfer flags flags, the number of isochronous frames (or 0) in nframes.

The data describing the transfer is filled by either () for control pipe transfers, by () for bulk and interrupt transfers, and by () for isochronous transfers. Private data may be passed between setup and completion or status calls using the void *priv argument.

Arguments to the setup functions include the newly allocated xfer, the private data priv, the timeout in milliseconds, for control, bulk and interrupt transfers buffer the data to transfer and its length and for isochronous transfers the frame length frlengths and number of frames nframes, and for default transfers a USB request structure req must be presented. See the INITIALISING USB REQUESTS section for more details on USB requests.

The transfer specific flags that can be set are:

Wait for completion
When waiting for completion, allow signals to trigger wake up.
Short reads are not an error
Force last short packet on write

The () function returns the current kernel address for the buffer suitable for transfer in xfer.

The (), (), (), (), and () can all sleep and should not be called from interrupt context as a result.

Upon completion the callback function is called, which takes the completed xfer, the private data priv originally assocated with this transfer, and status the status of this transfer.

Transfers are initiated by calling (), and their results made be later obtained by calling usbd_get_xfer_status, which fills in the private data priv, original buffer location buffer, the length length, and the status of this request.

The () and () functions are used to transfer data in either an interrupt or bulk fashion, and are front-ends to the usbd_setup_xfer(), usbd_transfer() and (), as well as associated error handling. The () is identical to usbd_transfer() with the USBD_SYNCHRONOUS flag set. The () is identical to usbd_transfer() with the USBD_SYNCHRONOUS and USBD_SYNCHRONOUS_SIG flags set.

Transfers are aborted via this pipe with () and ().

The () and () functions are used to clear endpoint halt in either a synchronous or asynchronous fashion. To clear the toggle state of an endpoint the () function should be used.

A request is described by a usb_device_request_t which must be initialised as necessary before calling either () or () to submit the request. For both these functions dev is the handle of the USB device the request is for, req is the USB request, as described in the INITIALISING USB REQUESTS section, and then data is a buffer containing the data for the request. For the usbd_do_request_flags() function there are additional flags passed to the usbd_setup function, actlen a pointer to fill in with the actual length of this request, and timo, the number of milliseconds to wait before timing out this request.

There are 5 members of a usb_device_request_t that must be initialised:

The first two are normal byte values that may be simply assigned, but the last three must be initialised with the () macro.

The bmRequestType holds the request type of this USB request, which describes the intended recipient of the request.

This may be one of:

with one of:

and with one of:

These are also in combinations as:

The bRequest describes which request is being made. The available values are:

The wValue, wIndex and wLength are device-specific values and must be initialised with the () macro.

The UR_GET_STATUS request operates on a usb_status_t structure, which has this member:

For device status requests the wStatus member may have either of these bit flags set:

For endpoint status requests the wStatus member may have this bit flag set:

The UR_CLEAR_FEATURE and UR_SET_FEATURE requests clear or set special features on USB devices. The values for wValue, wIndex and wLength depend upon the device and device type.

The UR_SET_ADDRESS request sets the virtual USB address of a port using the wValue.

The UR_GET_DESCRIPTOR and UR_SET_DESCRIPTOR requests operate on a usb_descriptor_t structure, which has these members:

The bDescriptorType member may be one of the following values:

The () function can be used to change the index used for transfers on this interface as obtained via usbd_device2interface_handle().

There are two functions available to ease the detach of active devices. Typically a reference count is maintained on syscall activity. When a USB device is to be detached, the reference count should be decremented and if it is greater or equal to zero, usb_detach_wait() should be called on the dv associated with this USB device and, typically, a device-specific condition variable cv. and mutex lk protecting this reference count state. At the end of each syscall function, if the reference count is decremented to less than zero, then () must be called on the dv and cv that is being waited on with usb_detach_wait().

The are another pair of functions with similar functionality that do not use a condition variable or mutex and should be avoided in new code. The () function works like (), and the () function works like ().

The USB stack provides a task management framework to execute tasks in a thread context at the soonest opportunity. Typically this is used by network drivers to handle periodic updates or status change requests, or other operations that need to run in a normal context.

The () function takes a pointer to a struct usb_task that will be initalised, a function to call for this task func, the argument to pass to func, arg, and the task flags flags. If the flags argument is USB_TASKQ_MPSAFE, the func function will be called without first acquiring kernel_lock.

To invoke the task callback the () function should be called with the iface associated with this device, the task structure task, and the queue to run against, either USB_TASKQ_HC for operations initiated by host controllers or USB_TASKQ_DRIVER for operations initiated by USB drivers.

To deschedule a potentially running task the () function should be called.

The driver using these facilities is expected to provide the necessary serialisation between (), usb_add_task() and usb_rem_task() for each specific struct usb_task.

usb(4), usbd_status(9)

This usbdi interface first appeared in NetBSD 1.4. The interface is based on an early definition from the OpenUSBDI group within the USB organisation. Right after this definition the OpenUSBDI development got closed for open source developers, so this interface has not followed the further changes. The OpenUSBDI specification is now available again, but looks different.

This manual is under development, so its biggest shortcoming is incompleteness.

April 24, 2016 NetBSD-9.2