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IOCTL(9) Kernel Developer's Manual IOCTL(9)

ioctlhow to implement a new ioctl call to access device drivers

#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/ioccom.h>

ioctl(int, unsigned long, ...);

ioctl are internally defined as
#define FOOIOCTL fun(t,n,pt)

where the different variables and functions are:

the name which will later be given in the ioctl(2) system call as second argument, e.g.,
ioctl(s, FOOIOCTL, ...)
a macro which can be one of
the call is a simple message to the kernel by itself. It does not copy anything into the kernel, nor does it want anything back.
the call only reads parameters from the kernel and does not pass any to it
the call only writes parameters to the kernel, but does not want anything back
the call writes data to the kernel and wants information back.
This integer describes to which subsystem the ioctl applies. t can be one of
pulse-per-second interface
ISO networking
ac devices (hp300)
Advanced Power Management (hpcmips, i386, sparc), see apm(4)
ADB devices (mac68k, macppc)
Bluetooth HCI sockets, see bluetooth(4)
Bluetooth Hub Control, see bthub(4)
Bluetooth SCO audio driver, see btsco(4)
bell device (x68k)
clock devices (amiga, atari, hp300, x68k)
the disk subsystem
Sun-compatible framebuffers
ccd(4) and vnd(4)
qdss framebuffers
grf devices (amiga, atari, hp300, mac68k, x68k)
HIL devices (hp300)
HIL devices (hp300)
HPc framebuffers
a (pseudo) interface
ite(4) (mac68k)
ISA joystick interface
Sun-compatible (and other) keyboards
leo devices (atari)
mouse devices (atari)
virtual console device (arm32)
SMB networking
OpenPROM and OpenFirmware
power control (x68k)
parallel port (amiga, x68k)
profiling (arm32)
printer/plotter interface (hp300)
compat/ossaudio and soundcard.h
magma(4) bpp (sparc)
pmax graphics devices
raw SCSI commands
the routing subsystem
the socket layer
SCSI disks (arc, hp300, pmax)
watchdog devices (sh3)
ISA speaker devices
stic devices
the tty layer
user defined ???
scsibus (see scsi(4))
Sun-compatible “firm events”
view device (amiga, atari)
sram device (x68k)
watchdog devices
wt devices
wscons devices
bt8xx devices
ite devices (amiga, atari, x68k)
passthrough ioctls
This numbers the ioctl within the group. There may be only one n for a given t. This is an unsigned 8 bit number.
This specifies the type of the passed parameter. This one gets internally transformed to the size of the parameter, so for example, if you want to pass a structure, then you have to specify that structure and not a pointer to it or sizeof(struct foo)

In order for the new ioctl to be known to the system it is installed in either ⟨sys/ioctl.h⟩ or one of the files that are reached from ⟨sys/ioctl.h⟩.

All ioctl() routines should return either 0 or a defined error code. The use of magic numbers such as -1, to indicate that a given ioctl code was not handled is strongly discouraged. The value -1 coincides with the historic value for ERESTART which was shown to produce user space code that never returned from a call to ioctl(2).

For ioctl codes that are not handled by a given routine, the pseudo error value EPASSTHROUGH is provided. EPASSTHROUGH indicates that no error occurred during processing (it did not fail), but neither was anything processed (it did not succeed). This supersedes the use of either ENOTTY (which is an explicit failure) or -1 (which has no contextual meaning) as a return value. ENOTTY will get passed directly back to user space and bypass any further processing by other ioctl layers. Only code that wishes to suppress possible further processing of an ioctl code (e.g., the tty line discipline code) should return ENOTTY. All other code should return EPASSTHROUGH, even if it knows that no other layers will be called upon.

If the value EPASSTHROUGH is returned to sys_ioctl(), then it will there be changed to ENOTTY to be returned to user space, thereby providing the proper error notification to the application.

#define	FOOIOCTL	_IOWR('i', 23, int)

int a = 3;
error = ioctl(s, FOOICTL, &a);

Within the ioctl()-routine of the driver, it can be then accessed like

driver_ioctl(..., u_long cmd, void *data)
	switch (cmd) {

		int *a = (int *)data;
		printf(" Value passed: %d\n", *a);

Note that if you for example try to read information from an ethernet driver where the name of the card is included in the third argument (e.g., ioctl(s, READFROMETH, struct ifreq *)), then you have to use the () form not the (), as passing the name of the card to the kernel already consists of writing data.


January 27, 2019 NetBSD-9.2