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MEMTEMP(4) Device Drivers Manual MEMTEMP(4)

memtempdevice driver for memory thermal sensor

To compile this driver into the kernel, place the following lines in your kernel configuration file:

device dimm
device coremctl
device memtemp

Alternatively, to load the driver as a module at boot time, place the following line in loader.conf(5):


The memtemp driver provides support for the memory thermal sensor. The values are exposed through the HW_SENSORS sysctl(3) tree. For example:
% sysctl hw.sensors
hw.sensors.dimm0.temp0: 40.00 degC (node0 chan0 DIMM0 temp), OK
hw.sensors.dimm1.temp0: 39.00 degC (node0 chan1 DIMM0 temp), OK

The DIMM location and configurable critical temperature thresholds are exposed through hw.dimminfo sysctl(3) tree. For example:

% sysctl hw.dimminfo
hw.dimminfo.dimm0.node: 0
hw.dimminfo.dimm0.chan: 0
hw.dimminfo.dimm0.slot: 0
hw.dimminfo.dimm0.temp_hiwat: 93
hw.dimminfo.dimm0.temp_lowat: 88
hw.dimminfo.dimm1.node: 0
hw.dimminfo.dimm1.chan: 1
hw.dimminfo.dimm1.slot: 0
hw.dimminfo.dimm1.temp_hiwat: 93
hw.dimminfo.dimm1.temp_lowat: 88

If the temperature goes above the configured critical temperature threshold (temp_hiwat), a notify event will be sent using devctl(4).

The memtemp driver supports the following memory thermal sensors:

systat(1), sysctl(3), devctl(4), devd(8), sensorsd(8), sysctl(8)

The memtemp driver first appeared in DragonFly 4.1.

The memtemp driver was written by Sepherosa Ziehau <>.

May 24, 2015 DragonFly-5.6.1