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wsmoused.confmultipurpose mouse daemon configuration


The wsmoused.conf file configures all the features provided by the wsmoused(8) daemon. It is composed by a series of , each of which defines a group of . The file format is free-form: new line markers are ignored as well as indentation. Comments start with the ‘#’ sign and extend until the end of line.

A is like a variable assignment. It has a name, which goes to the left of the equal sign, and a value, which goes to the right. The assignment ends with a semicolon. It looks like:

name = value;

There is no difference between string or integer values when defining them. The value must be surrounded by double quotes if it contains whitespace. Booleans are specified as integers, where ‘0’ means false and ‘1’ stands for true. Even though, the program cares about this and will emit a warning if you have done an incorrect assignment. Note that it will not accept unrecognized names.

A is a type of block that defines how the program behaves when run in a specific mode. A mode inherits properties defined in the global scope. It has the following syntax:

mode mode_name {
        property1 = value1;
        propertyN = valueN;

There are two recognized modes, ‘action’ and ‘selection’. wsmoused(8) describes what they do in detail.

The following properties can be defined in the global scope, thus affecting all modes, or inside the mode definition, to override global values.

device = pathname;
The wsmouse(4) device name to use. Defaults to /dev/wsmouse.
fifo = pathname;
Specify an optional fifo where to redirect all mouse events, no matter if they have been processed. By default, no fifo is used.
modes = string;
Whitespace separated list of modes to be activated when running. Defaults to ‘selection’.
nodaemon = boolean;
Set to 1 to not fork in the background.
pidfile = basename;
The basename of the pidfile used to control the process. Pidfiles are always created under /var/run, and have the ‘.pid’ extension automatically added. By default it is set to daemon's program name.
ttystat = pathname;
wsdisplay(4)'s notification device. Defaults to /dev/ttyEstat. You will not want to change this.
xconsole = integer;
Virtual console number which holds the X server (if any). The argument specifies the console number (the same found in /dev/ttyE?). Unset by default.
xconsole_delay = integer;
Number of seconds to wait before reactivating the mouse when returning from the X console (specified by the ‘xconsole’ property). Defaults to 5.

The following properties are only useful when running in the mode:

button_<number>_<status> = command;
Assigns a command to a button, which will be executed using the system(3) call. The ‘number’ part selects a button to which the command is assigned; the first button is numbered ‘0’ and the maximum depends on the mouse type. The ‘status’ part can be either ‘down’ or ‘up’, representing the events emitted when the button is pressed and released, respectively.

The following properties are only useful when running in the mode:

lefthanded = boolean;
Set to 1 to swap mouse buttons, specially useful for left handed users.
slowdown_x = integer;
X axis slowdown. This positive integer specifies how many events in the vertical direction should be ignored before changing the current column. It defaults to 0.
slowdown_y = integer;
Y axis slowdown. This positive integer specifies how many events in the horizontal direction should be ignored before changing the current row. It defaults to 3.

Default configuration file.
Location of sample files.

system(3), wsdisplay(4), wsmouse(4), wsmoused(8)

The wsmoused.conf configuration file first appeared in NetBSD 2.0.

January 5, 2004 NetBSD-9.2