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USTIR(4) Device Drivers Manual USTIR(4)

ustirSigmaTel STIr4200-based USB-IrDA bridge support

ustir* at uhub?
irframe* at ustir?

The ustir driver provides support for USB-IrDA bridges based on the SigmaTel STIr4200. The driver is known to work with the following adapters:

Access to the IrDA device is through the irframe(4) driver.

irframe(4), uirda(4), usb(4)

The ustir driver appeared in NetBSD 1.6.

The ustir driver was written by David Sainty <>.

The STIr4200 cannot notify the driver when it has received data, instead it has to be continuously polled. This driver polls (when idle) at a fairly low rate of 10 times per second, which means that system performance is not overly affected by rapid polling, but latency is fairly high.

December 24, 2001 NetBSD-9.2