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TPCTL(8) System Manager's Manual TPCTL(8)

tpctltouch panel calibration utility

tpctl [-hnuv] [-D dispdevname] [-d devname] [-f filename]

tpctl is a touch panel calibration utility. tpctl calibrates a touch panel and saves and restores the calibration parameters into/from a parameter database file.

Available command-line flags are:

Specify display device name.
Specify touch panel device name.
Specify alternate parameter database file name.
Print brief description.
Do not change the parameter database file.
Force calibration. Without this flag, tpctl won't do calibration if the database file already contains parameters for the touch panel.
Verbose mode.

You calibrate the touch panel the first time you run tpctl. If you see a cross cursor on the screen, you should tap the center of the cursor to calibrate the touch panel, or you can abort the calibration with the ‘ESC’ key. Five cursors will appear on the screen in turn. Once calibration is done, tpctl saves the calibration parameters into the database file and uses the saved parameters to calibrate the touch panel.

You can run tpctl automatically with /etc/rc.d/tpctl.

The default calibration parameter database file. The -f flag may be used to specify an alternate database file name. tpctl will create an empty database file if it doesn't exist.
The default display device, which is used to display the cursor during calibration. The -D flag may be used to specify an alternate display device name. The display device must provide the ‘hpcfb’ interface as defined in /usr/include/dev/hpc/hpcfbio.h.
The default touch panel device. The -d flag may be used to specify an alternate touch panel device name.


tpctl isn't available on all ports because it requires a display device which provides the ‘hpcfb’ interface.

August 25, 2002 NetBSD-9.2