terminal capability
describes the capabilities of terminals, used
by programs such as vi(1),
rogue(6) and libraries such as
curses(3). The terminfo
source described here
needs to be compiled with
to be of any use.
Entries in terminfo
consist of a number of
comma separated fields. White space after each comma is ignored. Embedded
commas must be escaped by using a backslash. Lines beginning with
‘#’ in the first column are treated as comments. Blank lines
are ignored.
The header line must begin in column one and end with a comma. Inside the header line are terminal name and aliases, separated by vertical bars, the last one being the long description of the terminal.
Capability lines then follow, starting on column two and ending
with a comma. Each capability is listed by its name, followed by its value
if applicable. Booleans have no values, numeric values are prefixed by
‘#’ and strings are prefixed by ‘=’. Numbers can
range from 0 to 32767 and string values can be up to 1000 characters long.
This implementation supports strings upto 32767 characters long, including
the NUL
Some escapes are available for strings - both
\E and
\e map to the
^X maps to a
control-X for any appropriate X, and the sequences
\b and
\f map to
linefeed, return, tab, backspace, and formfeed respectively. Any character
can be escaped in octal, such as
\072. If you
need to encode a NUL
character, it should be escaped
as \200.
A delay in milliseconds may appear anywhere in a string capability, prefixed with a dollar sign and enclosed by angled brackets, such as $<5>.
String Parameters
String capabilities sometimes require parameters. Normally this just involves replacing the parameter with a supplied variable; however, there are cases where the variable needs to be manipulated or used in conditional expressions. A stack is also provided for simple pop and push operations.
The below % encodings have the following meanings:
- %%
- outputs %
- %[[:]flags][width[.precision]][doxXs]
- flags are “[-+#]”. Prefix with ‘:’ to avoid interpreting “%-” as an operator.
- %c
- pop a parameter and print the character representation of it.
- %s
- pop a parameter and print the string representation of it.
- %p[1-9]
- push the parameter [1-9].
- %P[a-z]
- pop a parameter and push it to dynamic variable [a-z].
- %g[a-z]
- push the dynamic variable [a-z].
- %P[A-Z]
- pop a parameter and push it to static variable [a-z].
- %g[A-Z]
- push the static variable [a-z].
Static variables persist over
() whereas dynamic variables do not. - %'c'
- char constant c.
- %{nn}
- integer constant nn.
- %l
- push the string length of the previously popped parameter.
- %+ %- %* %/ %m
- arithmetic: pop two parameters and push the result.
- %& %| %^
- bit operations: pop two parameters and push the result.
- %! %~
- unary operations: pop two parameters and push the result.
- %i
- add 1 to parameters 1 and 2.
- %?
%; - If expr equates to zero then control passes to the optional else part.
Boolean Capabilities
Long name | Code | TC | Description |
auto_left_margin | bw | bw | cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column |
auto_right_margin | am | am | Terminal has automatic margins |
back_color_erase | bce | ut | Screen erased with background colour |
can_change | ccc | cc | Terminal can re-define existing colour |
ceol_standout_glitch | xhp | xs | Standout not erased by overwriting (hp) |
col_addr_glitch | xhpa | YA | Only positive motion for hpa/mhba caps |
cpi_changes_res | cpix | YF | Changing character pitch changes resolution |
cr_cancels_micro_mode | crxm | YB | Using cr turns off micro mode |
dest_tabs_magic_smso | xt | xt | Destructive tabs, magic smso char (t1061) |
eat_newline_glitch | xenl | xn | Newline ignored after 80 columns (Concept) |
erase_overstrike | eo | eo | Can erase overstrikes with a blank line |
generic_type | gn | gn | Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch) |
hard_copy | hc | hc | Hardcopy terminal |
hard_cursor | chts | HC | Cursor is hard to see |
has_meta_key | km | km | Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit) |
has_print_wheel | daisy | YC | Printer needs operator to change character set |
has_status_line | hs | hs | Has extra status line"" |
hue_light_saturation | hls | hl | Terminal only uses HLS colour notion (Tektronix) |
insert_null_glitch | in | in | Insert mode distinguishes nulls |
lpi_changes_yes | lpix | YG | Changing line pitch changes resolution |
memory_above | da | da | Display may be retained above the screen |
memory_below | db | db | Display may be retained below the screen |
move_insert_mode | mir | mi | Safe to move while in insert mode |
move_standout_mode | msgr | ms | Safe to move in standout modes |
needs_xon_xoff | nxon | nx | Padding won't work, xon/xoff required |
no_esc_ctlc | xsb | xb | Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C) |
no_pad_char | npc | NP | Pad character doesn't exist |
non_dest_scroll_region | ndscr | ND | Scrolling region is nondestructive |
non_rev_rmcup | nrrmc | NR | smcup does not reverse rmcup |
over_strike | os | os | Terminal overstrikes on hard-copy terminal |
prtr_silent | mc5i | 5i | Printer won't echo on screen |
row_addr_glitch | xvpa | YD | Only positive motion for vpa/mvpa caps |
semi_auto_right_margin | sam | YE | Printing in last column causes cr |
status_line_esc_ok | eslok | es | Escape can be used on the status line |
tilde_glitch | hz | hz | Hazeltine; can't print tilde (~) |
transparent_underline | ul | ul | Underline character overstrikes |
xon_xoff | xon | xo | Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking |
Numeric Capabilities
Long name | Code | TC | Description |
bit_image_entwining | bitwin | Yo | Number of passes for each bit-map row |
bit_image_type | bitype | Yp | Type of bit image device |
buffer_capacity | bufsz | Ya | Number of bytes buffered before printing |
buttons | btns | BT | Number of buttons on the mouse |
columns | cols | co | Number of columns in a line |
dot_horz_spacing | spinh | Yc | Spacing of dots horizontally in dots per inch |
dot_vert_spacing | spinv | Yb | Spacing of pins vertically in pins per inch |
init_tabs | it | it | Tabs initially every #1 spaces |
label_height | lh | lh | Number of rows in each label |
label_width | lw | lw | Numbre of columns in each label |
lines | lines | li | Number of lines on a screen or a page |
lines_of_memory | lm | lm | Lines of memory of > lines; 0 means varies |
magic_cookie_glitch | xmc | sg | Number of blank characters left by smso or rmso |
max_attributes | ma | ma | Maximum combined video attributes terminal can display |
max_colors | colors | Co | Maximum number of colours on the screen |
max_micro_address | maddr | Yd | Maximum value in micro_..._addresss |
max_micro_jump | mjump | Ye | Maximum value in parm_..._micro |
max_pairs | pairs | pa | Maximum number of colour-pairs on the screen |
maximum_windows | wnum | MW | Maximum number of definable windows |
micro_col_size | mcs | Yf | Character step size when in micro mode |
micro_line_size | mls | Yg | Line step size when in micro mode |
no_color_video | ncv | NC | Video attributes that can't be used with colours |
num_labels | nlab | Nl | Number of labels on screen (start at 1) |
number_of_pins | npins | Yh | Number of pins in print-head |
output_res_char | orc | Yi | Horizontal resolution in units per character |
output_res_horz_inch | orhi | Yk | Horizontal resolution in units per inch |
output_res_line | orl | Yj | Vertical resolution in units per line |
output_res_vert_inch | orvi | Yl | Vertical resolution in units per inch |
padding_baud_rate | pb | pb | Lowest baud rate where padding needed |
print_rate | cps | Ym | Print rate in characters per second |
virtual_terminal | vt | vt | Virtual terminal number |
wide_char_size | widcs | Yn | Character step size when in double-wide mode |
width_status_line | wsl | ws | Number of columns in status line |
String Capabilities
Long name | Code | TC | Description |
acs_chars | acsc | ac | Graphic charset pairs aAbBcC |
alt_scancode_esc | scesa | S8 | Alternate escape for scancode emulation |
back_tab | cbt | bt | Back tab |
bell | bel | bl | Audible signal (bell) |
bit_image_carriage_return | bicr | Yv | Move to beginning of same row |
bit_image_newline | binel | Zz | Move to next row of the bit image |
bit_image_repeat | birep | Xy | Repeat bit-image cell #1 #2 times |
carriage_return | cr | cr | Carriage return |
change_char_pitch | cpi | ZA | Change number of characters per inch |
change_line_pitch | lpi | ZB | Change number of lines per inch |
change_res_horz | chr | ZC | Change horizontal resolution |
change_res_vert | cvr | ZD | Change vertical resolution |
change_scroll_region | csr | cs | Change to lines #1 through #2 (VT100) |
char_padding | rmp | rP | Like ip but when in replace mode |
char_set_names | csnm | Zy | Returns a list of character set names |
clear_all_tabs | tbc | ct | Clear all tab stops |
clear_margins | mgc | MC | Clear all margins (top, bottom and sides) |
clear_screen | clear | cl | Clear screen and home cursor |
clr_bol | el1 | cb | Clear to beginning of line, inclusive |
clr_eol | el | ce | Clear to end of line |
clr_eos | ed | cd | Clear to end of display |
code_set_init | csin | ci | Init sequence for multiple codesets |
color_names | colornm | Yw | Give name for colour #1 |
column_address | hpa | ch | Set horizontal position to absolute #1 |
command_character | cmdch | CC | Terminal settable cmd character in prototype |
create_window | cwin | Define win #1 to go from #2,#3 to #4,#5 | |
cursor_address | cup | cm | Move to row #1, col #2 |
cursor_down | cud1 | do | Down one line |
cursor_home | home | ho | Home cursor (if no cup) |
cursor_invisible | civis | vi | Make cursor invisible |
cursor_left | cub1 | le | Move left one space |
cursor_mem_address | mrcup | CM | Memory relative cursor addressing |
cursor_normal | cnorm | ve | Make cursor appear normal (under vs/vi) |
cursor_right | cuf1 | nd | Non-destructive space (cursor or carriage right) |
cursor_to_ll | ll | ll | Last line, first column (if no cup) |
cursor_up | cuu1 | up | Upline (cursor up) |
cursor_visible | cvvis | vs | Make cursor very visible |
define_bit_image_region | defbi | Yx | Define rectangular bit-image region |
define_char | defc | ZE | Define a character in a character set |
delete_character | dch1 | dc | Delete character |
delete_line | dl1 | dl | Delete line |
device_type | devt | dv | Indicate language/codeset support |
dial_phone | dial | DI | Dial phone number #1 |
dis_status_line | dsl | ds | Disable status line |
display_clock | dclk | DK | Display time-of-day clock |
display_pc_char | dispc | S1 | Display PC character |
down_half_time | hd | hd | Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed) |
ena_acs | enacs | eA | Enable alternate character set |
end_bit_image_region | endbi | Yy | End a bit-image region |
enter_alt_charset_mode | smacs | as | Start alternate character set |
enter_am_mode | smam | SA | Turn on automatic margins |
enter_blink_mode | blink | mb | Turn on blinking |
enter_bold_mode | bold | md | Turn on bold (extra bright) mode |
enter_ca_mode | smcup | ti | String to begin programs that use cup |
enter_delete_mode | smdc | dm | Delete mode (enter) |
enter_dim_mode | dim | mh | Turn on half-bright mode |
enter_doublewide_mode | swidm | ZF | Enable double wide printing |
enter_draft_quality | sdrfq | ZG | Set draft qualify print |
enter_horizontal_hl_mode | ehhlm | Xh | Turn on horizontal highlight mode |
enter_insert_mode | smir | im | Insert mode (enter) |
enter_italics_mode | sitm | ZH | Enable italics |
enter_left_hl_mode | elhlm | Xl | Turn on left highlight mode |
enter_leftward_mode | slm | ZI | Enable leftward carriage motion |
enter_low_hl_mode | elohlm | Xo | Turn on low highlight mode |
enter_micro_mode | smicm | ZJ | Enable micro motion capabilities |
enter_near_quality_letter | snlq | ZK | Set near-letter quality print |
enter_normal_quality | snrmq | ZL | Set normal quality print |
enter_pc_charset_mode | smpch | S2 | Enter PC character display mode |
enter_protected_mode | prot | mp | Turn on protected mode |
enter_reverse_mode | rev | mr | Turn on reverse video mode |
enter_right_hl_mode | erhlm | Xr | Turn on right highlight mode |
enter_scancode_mode | smsc | S4 | Enter PC scancode mode |
enter_secure_mode | invis | mk | Turn on blank mode (characters invisible) |
enter_shadow_mode | sshm | ZM | Enable shadow printing |
enter_standout_mode | smso | so | Begin standout mode |
enter_subscript_mode | ssubm | ZN | Enable subscript printing |
enter_superscript_mode | ssupm | ZO | Enable superscript printing |
enter_top_hl_mode | ethlm | Xt | Turn on top highlight mode |
enter_underline_mode | smul | us | Start underscore mode |
enter_upward_mode | sum | ZP | Enable upward carriage motion |
enter_vertical_hl_mode | evhlm | Xv | Turn on verticle highlight mode |
enter_xon_mode | smxon | SX | Turn on xon/xoff handshaking |
erase_chars | ech | ec | Erase #1 characters |
exit_alt_charset_mode | rmacs | ae | End alternate character set |
exit_am_mode | rmam | RA | Turn off automatic margins |
exit_attribute_mode | sgr0 | me | Turn off all attributes |
exit_ca_mode | rmcup | te | String to end programs that use cup |
exit_delete_mode | rmdc | ed | End delete mode |
exit_doublewide_mode | rwidm | ZQ | Disable double wide printing |
exit_insert_mode | rmir | ei | End insert mode |
exit_italics_mode | ritm | ZR | Disable italics |
exit_leftward_mode | rlm | ZS | Enable rightward (normal) carriage motion |
exit_micro_mode | rmicm | ZT | Disable micro motion capabilities |
exit_pc_charset_mode | rmpch | S3 | Disable PC character display mode |
exit_scancode_mode | rmsc | S5 | Disable PC scancode mode |
exit_shadow_mode | rshm | ZU | Disable shadow printing |
exit_standout_mode | rmso | se | End standout mode |
exit_subscript_mode | rsubm | ZV | Disable subscript printing |
exit_superscript_mode | rsupm | ZW | Disable superscript printing |
exit_underline_mode | rmul | ue | End underscore mode |
exit_upward_mode | rum | ZX | Enable downward (normal) carriage motion |
exit_xon_mode | rmxon | RX | Turn off xon/xoff handshaking |
fixed_pause | pause | PA | Pause for 2-3 seconds |
flash_hook | hook | fh | Flash the switch hook |
flash_screen | flash | vb | Visible bell (may move cursor) |
form_feed | ff | ff | Hardcopy terminal eject page |
from_status_line | fsl | fs | Return from status line |
get_mouse | getm | Gm | Curses should get button events |
goto_window | wingo | WG | Go to window #1 |
hangup | hup | HU | Hang-up phone |
init_1string | is1 | i1 | Terminal or printer initialisation string |
init_2string | is2 | i2 | Terminal or printer initialisation string |
init_3string | is3 | i3 | Terminal or printer initialisation string |
init_file | if | if | Name of initialisation file |
init_prog | iprog | iP | Path name of program for initialisation |
initialize_color | initc | Ic | Set colour #1 to RGB #2, #3, #4 |
initialize_pair | initp | Ip | Set colour-pair #1 to fg #2, bg #3 |
insert_character | ich1 | ic | Insert character |
insert_line | il1 | al | Add new blank line |
insert_padding | ip | ip | Insert pad after character inserted |
key_a1 | ka1 | K1 | upper left of keypad |
key_a3 | ka3 | K3 | upper right of keypad |
key_b2 | kb2 | K2 | center of keypad |
key_backspace | kbs | kb | set by backspace key |
key_beg | kbeg | @1 | 1 |
key_btab | kcbt | kB | sent by back-tab key |
key_c1 | kc1 | K4 | lower left of keypad |
key_c3 | kc3 | K5 | lower right of keypad |
key_cancel | kcan | @2 | 2 |
key_catab | ktbc | ka | sent by clear-all-tabs key |
key_clear | kclr | kC | sent by clear-screen or erase key |
key_close | kclo | @3 | 3 |
key_command | kcmd | @4 | 4 |
key_copy | kcpy | @5 | 5 |
key_create | kcrt | @6 | 6 |
key_ctab | kctab | kt | sent by clear-tab key |
key_dc | kdch1 | kD | sent by delete-character key |
key_dl | kdl1 | kL | sent by delete-line key |
key_down | kcud1 | kd | sent by terminal down-arrow key |
key_eic | krmir | kM | sent by rmir or smir in insert mode |
key_end | kend | @7 | 7 |
key_enter | kent | @8 | 8 |
key_eol | kel | kE | sent by clear-to-end-of-line key |
key_eos | ked | kS | sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key |
key_exit | kext | @9 | 9 |
key_f0 | kf0 | k0 | sent by function key f0 |
key_f1 | kf1 | k1 | sent by function key f1 |
key_f10 | kf10 | k; | sent by function key f10 |
key_f11 | kf11 | F1 | sent by function key f11 |
key_f12 | kf12 | F2 | sent by function key f12 |
key_f13 | kf13 | F3 | sent by function key f13 |
key_f14 | kf14 | F4 | sent by function key f14 |
key_f15 | kf15 | F5 | sent by function key f15 |
key_f16 | kf16 | F6 | sent by function key f16 |
key_f17 | kf17 | F7 | sent by function key f17 |
key_f18 | kf18 | F8 | sent by function key f18 |
key_f19 | kf19 | F9 | sent by function key f19 |
key_f2 | kf2 | k2 | sent by function key f2 |
key_f20 | kf20 | FA | sent by function key f20 |
key_f21 | kf21 | FB | sent by function key f21 |
key_f22 | kf22 | FC | sent by function key f22 |
key_f23 | kf23 | FD | sent by function key f23 |
key_f24 | kf24 | FE | sent by function key f24 |
key_f25 | kf25 | FF | sent by function key f25 |
key_f26 | kf26 | FG | sent by function key f26 |
key_f27 | kf27 | FH | sent by function key f27 |
key_f28 | kf28 | FI | sent by function key f28 |
key_f29 | kf29 | FJ | sent by function key f29 |
key_f3 | kf3 | k3 | sent by function key f3 |
key_f30 | kf30 | FK | sent by function key f30 |
key_f31 | kf31 | FL | sent by function key f31 |
key_f32 | kf32 | FM | sent by function key f32 |
key_f33 | kf33 | FN | sent by function key f33 |
key_f34 | kf34 | FO | sent by function key f34 |
key_f35 | kf35 | FP | sent by function key f35 |
key_f36 | kf36 | FQ | sent by function key f36 |
key_f37 | kf37 | FR | sent by function key f37 |
key_f38 | kf38 | FS | sent by function key f38 |
key_f39 | kf39 | FT | sent by function key f39 |
key_f4 | kf4 | k4 | sent by function key f4 |
key_f40 | kf40 | FU | sent by function key f40 |
key_f41 | kf41 | FV | sent by function key f41 |
key_f42 | kf42 | FW | sent by function key f42 |
key_f43 | kf43 | FX | sent by function key f43 |
key_f44 | kf44 | FY | sent by function key f44 |
key_f45 | kf45 | FZ | sent by function key f45 |
key_f46 | kf46 | Fa | sent by function key f46 |
key_f47 | kf47 | Fb | sent by function key f47 |
key_f48 | kf48 | Fc | sent by function key f48 |
key_f49 | kf49 | Fd | sent by function key f49 |
key_f5 | kf5 | k5 | sent by function key f5 |
key_f50 | kf50 | Fe | sent by function key f50 |
key_f51 | kf51 | Ff | sent by function key f51 |
key_f52 | kf52 | Fg | sent by function key f52 |
key_f53 | kf53 | Fh | sent by function key f53 |
key_f54 | kf54 | Fi | sent by function key f54 |
key_f55 | kf55 | Fj | sent by function key f55 |
key_f56 | kf56 | Fk | sent by function key f56 |
key_f57 | kf57 | Fl | sent by function key f57 |
key_f58 | kf58 | Fm | sent by function key f58 |
key_f59 | kf59 | Fn | sent by function key f59 |
key_f6 | kf6 | k6 | sent by function key f6 |
key_f60 | kf60 | Fo | sent by function key f60 |
key_f61 | kf61 | Fp | sent by function key f61 |
key_f62 | kf62 | Fq | sent by function key f62 |
key_f63 | kf63 | Fr | sent by function key f63 |
key_f7 | kf7 | k7 | sent by function key f7 |
key_f8 | kf8 | k8 | sent by function key f8 |
key_f9 | kf9 | k9 | sent by function key f9 |
key_find | kfnd | @0 | 0 |
key_help | khlp | %1 | sent by help key |
key_home | khome | kh | sent by home key |
key_ic | kich1 | kI | sent by ins-char/enter ins-mode key |
key_il | kil1 | kA | sent by insert-line key |
key_left | kcub1 | kl | sent by terminal left-arrow key |
key_ll | kll | kH | sent by home-down key |
key_mark | kmrk | %2 | sent by mark key |
key_message | kmsg | %3 | sent by message key |
key_mouse | kmous | Km | 0631, Mouse event has occured |
key_move | kmov | %4 | sent by move key |
key_next | knxt | %5 | sent by next-object key |
key_npage | knp | kN | sent by next-page key |
key_open | kopn | %6 | sent by open key |
key_options | kopt | %7 | sent by options key |
key_ppage | kpp | kP | sent by previous-page key |
key_previous | kprv | %8 | sent by previous-object key |
key_print | kprt | %9 | sent by print or copy key |
key_redo | krdo | %0 | sent by redo key |
key_reference | kref | &1 | sent by ref(erence) key |
key_refresh | krfr | &2 | sent by refresh key |
key_replace | krpl | &3 | sent by replace key |
key_restart | krst | &4 | sent by restart key |
key_resume | kres | &5 | sent by resume key |
key_right | kcuf1 | kr | sent by terminal right-arrow key |
key_save | ksav | &6 | sent by save key |
key_sbeg | kBEG | &9 | sent by shifted beginning key |
key_scancel | kCAN | &0 | sent by shifted cancel key |
key_scommand | kCMD | *1 | sent by shifted command key |
key_scopy | kCPY | *2 | sent by shifted copy key |
key_screate | kCRT | *3 | sent by shifted create key |
key_sdc | kDC | *4 | sent by shifted delete-char key |
key_sdl | kDL | *5 | sent by shifted delete-line key |
key_select | kslt | *6 | sent by select key |
key_send | kEND | *7 | sent by shifted end key |
key_seol | kEOL | *8 | sent by shifted clear-line key |
key_sexit | kEXT | *9 | sent by shited exit key |
key_sf | kind | kF | sent by scroll-forward/down key |
key_sfind | kFND | *0 | sent by shifted find key |
key_shelp | kHLP | #1 | sent by shifted help key |
key_shome | kHOM | #2 | sent by shifted home key |
key_sic | kIC | #3 | sent by shifted input key |
key_sleft | kLFT | #4 | sent by shifted left-arrow key |
key_smessage | kMSG | %a | sent by shifted message key |
key_smove | kMOV | %b | sent by shifted move key |
key_snext | kNXT | %c | sent by shifted next key |
key_soptions | kOPT | %d | sent by shifted options key |
key_sprevious | kPRV | %e | sent by shifted prev key |
key_sprint | kPRT | %f | sent by shifted print key |
key_sr | kri | kR | sent by scroll-backwards/up key |
key_sredo | kRDO | %g | sent by shifted redo key |
key_sreplace | kRPL | %h | sent by shifted replace key |
key_sright | kRIT | %i | sent by shifted right-arrow key |
key_srsume | kRES | %j | sent by shifted resume key |
key_ssave | kSAV | !1 | sent by shifted save key |
key_ssuspend | kSPD | !2 | sent by shifted suspend key |
key_stab | khts | kT | sent by set-tab key |
key_sundo | kUND | !3 | sent by shifted undo key |
key_suspend | kspd | &7 | sent by suspend key |
key_undo | kund | &8 | sent by undo key |
key_up | kcuu1 | ku | sent by terminal up-arrow key |
keypad_local | rmkx | ke | Out of keypad-transmit" mode" |
keypad_xmit | smkx | ks | Put terminal in keypad-transmit" mode" |
lab_f0 | lf0 | l0 | Labels on function key f0 if not f0 |
lab_f1 | lf1 | l1 | Labels on function key f1 if not f1 |
lab_f10 | lf10 | la | Labels on function key f10 if not f10 |
lab_f2 | lf2 | l2 | Labels on function key f2 if not f2 |
lab_f3 | lf3 | l3 | Labels on function key f3 if not f3 |
lab_f4 | lf4 | l4 | Labels on function key f4 if not f4 |
lab_f5 | lf5 | l5 | Labels on function key f5 if not f5 |
lab_f6 | lf6 | l6 | Labels on function key f6 if not f6 |
lab_f7 | lf7 | l7 | Labels on function key f7 if not f7 |
lab_f8 | lf8 | l8 | Labels on function key f8 if not f8 |
lab_f9 | lf9 | l9 | Labels on function key f9 if not f9 |
label_format | fln | Lf | Label format |
label_off | rmln | LF | Turn off soft labels |
label_on | smln | LO | Turn on soft labels |
meta_off | rmm | mo | Turn off meta mode"" |
meta_on | smm | mm | Turn on meta mode" (8th bit)" |
micro_column_address | mhpa | ZY | Like column_address for micro adjustment |
micro_down | mcud1 | ZZ | Like cursor_down for micro adjustment |
micro_left | mcub1 | Za | Like cursor_left for micro adjustment |
micro_right | mcuf1 | Zb | Like cursor_right for micro adjustment |
micro_row_address | mvpa | Zc | Like row_address for micro adjustment |
micro_up | mcuu1 | Zd | Like cursor_up for micro adjustment |
mouse_info | minfo | Mi | Mouse status information |
newline | nel | nw | Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf) |
order_of_pins | porder | Ze | Matches software bits to print-head pins |
orig_colors | oc | oc | Set all colour(-pair)s to original ones |
orig_pair | op | op | Set default colour-pair to the original one |
pad_char | pad | pc | Pad character (rather than NULL) |
parm_dch | dch | DC | Delete #1 chars |
parm_delete_line | dl | DL | Delete #1 lines |
parm_down_cursor | cud | DO | Move down #1 lines |
parm_down_micro | mcud | Zf | Like parm_down_cursor for micro adjustment |
parm_ich | ich | IC | Insert #1 blank chars |
parm_index | indn | SF | Scroll forward #1 lines |
parm_insert_line | il | AL | Add #1 new blank lines |
parm_left_cursor | cub | LE | Move cursor left #1 lines |
parm_left_micro | mcub | Zg | Like parm_left_cursor for micro adjustment |
parm_right_cursor | cuf | RI | Move right #1 spaces |
parm_right_micro | mcuf | Zh | Like parm_right_cursor for micro adjustment |
parm_rindex | rin | SR | Scroll backward #1 lines |
parm_up_cursor | cuu | UP | Move cursor up #1 lines |
parm_up_micro | mcuu | Zi | Like parm_up_cursor for micro adjustment |
pc_term_options | pctrm | S6 | PC terminal options |
pkey_key | pfkey | pk | Prog funct key #1 to type string #2 |
pkey_local | pfloc | pl | Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2 |
pkey_plab | pfxl | xl | Prog key #1 to xmit string #2 and show string #3 |
pkey_xmit | pfx | px | Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2 |
plab_norm | pln | pn | Prog label #1 to show string #2 |
print_screen | mc0 | ps | Print contents of screen |
ptr_non | mc5p | pO | Turn off printer for #1 bytes |
ptr_off | mc4 | pf | Turn off the printer |
ptr_on | mc5 | po | Turn on the printer |
pulse | pulse | PU | Select pulse dialing |
quick_dial | qdial | QD | Dial phone number #1, without progress detection |
remove_clock | rmclk | RC | Remove time-of-day clock |
repeat_char | rep | rp | Repeat char #1 #2 times |
req_for_input | rfi | RF | Send next input char (for ptys) |
req_mouse_pos | reqmp | RQ | Request mouse position report |
reset_1string | rs1 | r1 | Reset terminal completely to sane modes |
reset_2string | rs2 | r2 | Reset terminal completely to sane modes |
reset_3string | rs3 | r3 | Reset terminal completely to sane modes |
reset_file | rf | rf | Name of file containing reset string |
restore_cursor | rc | rc | Restore cursor to position of last sc |
row_address | vpa | cv | Set vertical position to absolute #1 |
save_cursor | sc | sc | Save cursor position |
scancode_escape | scesc | S7 | Escape for scancode emulation |
scroll_forward | ind | sf | Scroll text up |
scroll_reverse | ri | sr | Scroll text down |
select_char_set | scs | Zj | Select character set |
set0_des_seq | s0ds | s0 | Shift into codeset 0 (EUC set 0, ASCII) |
set1_des_seq | s1ds | s1 | Shift into codeset 1 |
set2_des_seq | s2ds | s2 | Shift into codeset 2 |
set3_des_seq | s3ds | s3 | Shift into codeset 3 |
set_a_attributes | sgr1 | sA | Define second set of video attributes #1-#6 |
set_a_background | setab | AB | Set background colour to #1 using ANSI escape |
set_a_foreground | setaf | AF | Set foreground colour to #1 using ANSI escape |
set_attributes | sgr | sa | Define first set of video attributes #1-#9 |
set_background | setb | Sb | Set background colour to #1 |
set_bottom_margin | smgb | Zk | Set bottom margin at current line |
set_bottom_margin_parm | smgbp | Zl | Set bottom margin at line #1 or #2 lines from bottom |
set_clock | sclk | SC | Set clock to hours (#1), minutes (#2), seconds (#3) |
set_color_band | setcolor | Change ribbon to colour #1 | |
set_color_pair | scp | sp | Set current colour pair to #1 |
set_foreground | setf | Sf | Set foreground colour to #1 |
set_left_margin | smgl | ML | Set left margin at current column |
set_left_margin_parm | smglp | Zm | Set left (right) margin at column #1 (#2) |
set_lr_margin | smglr | Sets both left and right margins | |
set_page_length | slines | Yz | Set page length to #1 lines |
set_pglen_inch | slength | sL | Set page length to #1 hundredth of an inch |
set_right_margin | smgr | MR | Set right margin at current column |
set_right_margin_parm | smgrp | Zn | Set right margin at #1 |
set_tab | hts | st | Set a tab in all rows, current column |
set_tb_margin | smgtb | MT | Sets both top and bottom margins |
set_top_margin | smgt | Zo | Set top margin at current line |
set_top_margin_parm | smgtp | Zp | Set top (bottom) margin at line #1 (#2) |
set_window | wind | wi | Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4 |
start_bit_image | sbim | Zq | Start printing bit image graphics |
start_char_set_def | scsd | Zr | Start definition of a character set |
stop_bit_image | rbim | Zs | End printing bit image graphics |
stop_char_set_def | rcsd | Zt | End definition of a character set |
subscript_characters | subcs | Zu | List of subscript-able" characters" |
superscript_characters | supcs | Zv | List of superscript-able" characters" |
tab | ht | ta | Tab to next 8-space hardware tab stop |
these_cause_cr | docr | Zw | Printing any of these characters causes cr |
to_status_line | tsl | ts | Go to status line, col #1 |
tone | tone | TO | Select tone touch dialing |
underline_char | uc | uc | Underscore one char and move past it |
up_half_line | hu | hu | Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed) |
user0 | u0 | u0 | User string 0 |
user1 | u1 | u1 | User string 1 |
user2 | u2 | u2 | User string 2 |
user3 | u3 | u3 | User string 3 |
user4 | u4 | u4 | User string 4 |
user5 | u5 | u5 | User string 5 |
user6 | u6 | u6 | User string 6 |
user7 | u7 | u7 | User string 7 |
user8 | u8 | u8 | User string 8 |
user9 | u9 | u9 | User string 9 |
wait_tone | wait | WA | Wait for dial tone |
xoff_character | xoffc | XF | X-off character |
xon_character | xonc | XN | X-on character |
zero_motion | zerom | Zx | No motion for the subsequent character |
A Sample Entry
vt100|dec vt100 (w/advanced video), am, xenl, msgr, mc5i, xon, cols#80, it#8, lines#24, vt#3, acsc=``aaffggjjkkllmmnnooppqqrrssttuuvvwwxxyyzz{{||}}~~, bel=^G, cr=^M, csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, tbc=\E[3g, clear=\E[H\E[J$<50>, el1=\E[1K$<3>, el=\E[K$<3>, ed=\E[J$<50>, cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH$<5>, cud1=^J, home=\E[H, cub1=^H, cuf1=\E[C$<2>, cuu1=\E[A$<2>, enacs=\E(B\E)0, smacs=^N, smam=\E[?7h, blink=\E[5m$<2>, bold=\E[1m$<2>, rev=\E[7m$<2>, smso=\E[7m$<2>, smul=\E[4m$<2>, rmacs=^O, rmam=\E[?7l, sgr0=\E[m017$<2>, rmso=\E[m$<2>, rmul=\E[m$<2>, ka1=\EOq, ka3=\EOs, kb2=\EOr, kbs=^H, kc1=\EOp, kc3=\EOn, kcud1=\EOB, kent=\EOM, kf0=\EOy, kf1=\EOP, kf2=\EOQ, kf3=\EOR, kf4=\EOS, kf5=\EOt, kf6=\EOu, kf7=\EOv, kf8=\EOl, kf9=\EOw, kf10=\EOx, kcub1=\EOD, kcuf1=\EOC, kcuu1=\EOA, rmkx=\E[?1l\E>, smkx=\E[?1h\E=, lf1=pf1, lf2=pf2, lf3=pf3, lf4=pf4, cud=\E[%p1%dB, cub=\E[%p1%dD, cuf=\E[%p1%dC, cuu=\E[%p1%dA, mc0=\E[0i, mc4=\E[4i, mc5=\E[5i, rs2=\E>\E[?3l\E[?4l\E[?5l\E[?7h\E[?8h, rc=\E8, sc=\E7, ind=^J, ri=\EM$<5>, sgr=\E[0%?%p1%p6%|%t;1%;%?%p2%t;4%;%?%p1%p3%|%t;7%;%?%p4%t;5%;m%?%p9%t016%e017%;$<2>, hts=\EH, ht=^I,
Fetching Compiled Descriptions
This implementation uses hashed databases managed by cdb(5) instead of directories. To maintain compatibility with other implementations, .cdb is appended to each file checked.
If the environment variable TERMINFO
available, does not begin with (‘/’), can be compiled with the
above rules and whose name matches TERM
then it is
If the environment variable TERMCAP
available and does not begin with a slash (‘/’) then it will
be translated into terminfo and compiled as above. If its name matches
then it is used.
If the environment variable TERMINFO
available and begins with a slash (‘/’) then only this file is
searched. Otherwise terminfo
will first look for
$HOME/.terminfo, followed by
/usr/share/misc/terminfo unless
is available. If a matching
description is not found then a small embedded database is searched, which
currently holds descriptions for ansi, dumb, vt100, vt220, wsvt25, and
- $HOME/.terminfo.cdb
- Database of terminal descriptions for personal use.
- /usr/share/misc/terminfo
- File containing terminal descriptions.
- /usr/share/misc/terminfo.cdb
- Database of terminal descriptions.
complies with the
X/Open Curses Issue 4, Version 2
(“XCURSES4.2”) standard.
Extensions to the standard are noted in tic(1).
Roy Marples <>