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SAB(4) Device Drivers Manual (sparc64) SAB(4)

sab, sabttyInfineon 82532 Enhanced Serial Communication Controller (ESCC2)

sab* at ebus?
sabtty* at sab? channel ?

The sab driver provides TTY support for the Infineon (previously Siemens) 82532 serial communications interface found in many Sun Ultra workstations and servers.

Input and output speeds for each line may be set to any baud rate in the following list: 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, 115200, 153600, 230400, 307200, 460800, 614400, 921600.

The speed cannot be changed on the ports connected the Remote System Control (RSC) on a Sun Enterprise[tm] 250 Server (ttyh2 and ttyh3). These ports are fixed at 115200 baud.

serial ports

sab*: ring overflow
The software input "ring" has overflowed. This usually means input flow-control is not configured correctly (i.e. incorrect cable wiring).

tty(4), zstty(4)

The sabtty driver first appeared in OpenBSD 3.1 and was then ported to NetBSD 2.0.

Jason L. Wright

January 18, 2010 NetBSD-9.2