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SCREENBLANK(1) General Commands Manual SCREENBLANK(1)

screenblankscreen saver daemon for wscons and FBIO machines

screenblank [-k | -m] [-d inactivity-timeout] [-e wakeup-delay] [-f framebuffer] [-i input-device]

screenblank {-b | -u}

screenblank disables the framebuffer if the keyboard and mouse are idle for a period of time, and re-enables the framebuffer when keyboard or mouse activity resumes.

When killed with a SIGINT, SIGHUP, or SIGTERM, screenblank will re-enable the framebuffer. The pid can be found in the file /var/run/

The options are as follows:

Overriding the other options, simply try (once) to blank the framebuffer, then exit.
Wait the number of seconds specified by inactivity-timeout, expressed in the format “”, before disabling the framebuffer due to inactivity. The default is 600 seconds (10 minutes).
Wait the number of seconds specified by wakeup-delay, expressed in the format “”, before re-enabling the framebuffer once activity resumes. The default is .25 seconds.
Use the framebuffer device framebuffer instead of the default /dev/fb.
Add input-device to the list of devices to monitor for activity.
Do not check the keyboard for activity.
Do not check the mouse for activity.
Overriding the other options, simply try (once) to unblank the framebuffer, then exit.

Note that the -k and -m flags are mutually exclusive.

The keyboard device.
The mouse device.
The console device.
The default framebuffer.
The keyboard for wscons machines.
The mouse device for wscons machines.
The console device for wscons machines.
File containing the pid of screenblank.

screenblank checks the access and modification times of the devices it is monitoring to determine activity. If the devices are on a file system mounted with the noatime and/or nodevmtime options, it will not function as expected. A possible workaround is to use a script as such:

/usr/sbin/screenblank -d 0 -e 0 && read
/usr/bin/pkill screenblank
April 8, 2019 NetBSD-9.2