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PROP_OBJECT(3) Library Functions Manual PROP_OBJECT(3)

prop_object, prop_object_retain, prop_object_release, prop_object_type, prop_object_equals, prop_object_iterator_next, prop_object_iterator_reset, prop_object_iterator_releasegeneral property container object functions

library “libprop”

#include <prop/proplib.h>

prop_object_retain(prop_object_t obj);

prop_object_release(prop_object_t obj);

prop_object_type(prop_object_t obj);

prop_object_equals(prop_object_t obj1, prop_object_t obj2);

prop_object_iterator_next(prop_object_iterator_t iter);

prop_object_iterator_reset(prop_object_iterator_t iter);

prop_object_iterator_release(prop_object_iterator_t iter);

The () family of functions operate on all property container object types.
(prop_object_t obj)
Increment the reference count on an object.
(prop_object_t obj)
Decrement the reference count on an object. If the last reference is dropped, the object is freed.
(prop_object_t obj)
Determine the type of the object. Objects are one of the following types:

Boolean value (prop_bool_t)
Number (prop_number_t)
String (prop_string_t)
Opaque data (prop_data_t)
Array (prop_array_t)
Dictionary (prop_dictionary_t)
Dictionary key symbol (prop_dictionary_keysym_t)

If obj is NULL, then PROP_TYPE_UNKNOWN is returned.

(prop_object_t obj1, prop_object_t obj2)
Returns true if the two objects are of the same type and are equivalent.
(prop_object_iterator_t iter)
Return the next object in the collection (array or dictionary) being iterated by the iterator iter. If there are no more objects in the collection, NULL is returned.
(prop_object_iterator_t iter)
Reset the iterator to the first object in the collection being iterated by the iterator iter.
(prop_object_iterator_t iter)
Release the iterator iter.

prop_array(3), prop_bool(3), prop_data(3), prop_dictionary(3), prop_number(3), prop_string(3), proplib(3)

The proplib(3) property container object library first appeared in NetBSD 4.0.

August 21, 2006 NetBSD-9.2