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PMF(9) Kernel Developer's Manual PMF(9)

PMF, pmf_device_register, pmf_device_register1, pmf_device_deregister, pmf_device_suspend, pmf_device_resume, pmf_device_recursive_suspend, pmf_device_recursive_resume, pmf_device_resume_subtree, pmf_class_network_register, pmf_class_input_register, pmf_class_display_register, pmf_system_suspend, pmf_system_resume, pmf_system_shutdown, pmf_event_register, pmf_event_deregister, pmf_event_inject, pmf_set_platform, pmf_get_platformpower management and inter-driver messaging framework

#include <sys/device.h>

pmf_device_register(device_t dev, bool (*suspend)(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual), bool (*resume)(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual));

pmf_device_register1(device_t dev, bool (*suspend)(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual), bool (*resume)(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual), bool (*shutdown)(device_t dev, int how));

pmf_device_deregister(device_t dev);

pmf_device_suspend(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_device_resume(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_device_recursive_suspend(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_device_recursive_resume(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_device_subtree_resume(device_t dev, const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_class_network_register(device_t dev, struct ifnet *ifp);

pmf_class_input_register(device_t dev);

pmf_class_display_register(device_t dev);

pmf_system_suspend(const pmf_qual_t *qual);

pmf_system_resume(const pmf_qual_t *qual);


pmf_event_register(device_t dev, pmf_generic_event_t ev, void (*handler)(device_t dev), bool global);

pmf_event_deregister(device_t dev, pmf_generic_event_t ev, void (*handler)(device_t dev), bool global);

pmf_event_inject(device_t dev, pmf_generic_event_t ev);

pmf_set_platform(const char *key, const char *value);

const char *
pmf_get_platform(const char *key);

The machine-independent PMF framework provides power management and inter-driver messaging support for device drivers.

Drivers for devices implementing PMF may make use of the following data type:

An opaque aggregate of qualifications on a PMF suspend or resume call.
A device driver can register as a listener for specific events, or inject events into the message queue. The following message types are defined:

(dev, suspend, resume)
Register a device with the power management framework. The suspend and resume functions are passed dev and a pmf_qual_t, and will be called when the system state changes; they should return true on success and false on failure. If either suspend or resume is NULL then it is assumed that device state does not need to be captured and resumed on a power transition. Bus and class-level power management will still be performed. Returns false if there was an error.
(dev, suspend, resume, shutdown)
Like pmf_device_register(), but additionally registers a shutdown handler. During system shutdown, () calls shutdown on dev with the reboot(2) “howto” in the second argument. shutdown should return true on success and false on failure.
Deregister a device with the power management framework.
(dev, qual)
Suspend a device by first calling the class suspend handler, followed by the driver suspend handler, and finally the bus suspend handler.
(dev, qual)
Resume a device by first calling the bus resume handler, followed by the driver resume handler, and finally the class resume handler.
(dev, qual)
As pmf_device_suspend(), but ensures that all child devices of dev are suspended.
(dev, qual)
As pmf_device_resume(), but ensures that all parent devices of dev are resumed.
(dev, qual)
As pmf_device_resume(), but ensures that all child devices of dev are resumed.
(dev, ifp)
Register a device with the power management framework as a network-class device.
Register a device with the power management framework as an input-class device.
Register a device with the power management framework as a display-class device.
Suspend all attached devices. Devices are suspended by traversing the autoconfiguration tree beginning with the leaf nodes. This function will fail if any attached drivers do not support the power management framework.
Resume all attached devices. Devices are resumed by traversing the autoconfiguration tree beginning with devices that do not have a parent. This function will fail if any attached drivers do not support the power management framework.
Shutdown all attached devices. Devices are shut down by traversing the autoconfiguration tree beginning with the leaf nodes. The integer argument is passed to the driver shutdown functions. It should contain the reboot(2) “howto” argument. This function ignores the presence of attached drivers that do not support the power management framework.
(dev, ev, handler, global)
Register the callback handler to be called whenever an ev event is triggered. If global is true, handler accepts anonymous events from ().
(dev, ev, handler, global)
Deregister the callback previously registered with pmf_event_register().
pmf_event_inject(dev, ev)
Inject an inter-driver message into the message queue. If dev is NULL, the event is considered to be anonymous and one or more drivers may handle this event, otherwise the event is delivered directly to the callback registered by dev.
(key, value)
Insert a name-value pair into the platform information database.
Retrieve the value for key from the platform information database. Returns NULL if the key is not present.

The power management framework is implemented within the files sys/sys/pmf.h, sys/sys/device.h, sys/kern/kern_pmf.c, and sys/kern/subr_autoconf.c.

autoconf(9), driver(9)

The PMF framework appeared in NetBSD 5.0.

Jared D. McNeill <>
Joerg Sonnenberger <>

April 2, 2012 NetBSD-9.2