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PF.BOOT.CONF(5) File Formats Manual PF.BOOT.CONF(5)

pf.boot.confinitial configuration for packet filter

The pf.boot.conf file is used as initial configuration for the pf(4) packet filter. This file is loaded before the network is configured by the rc.d(8) script . Its purpose is to protect the machine from possible attacks between the network configuration and the loading of the final ruleset.

The syntax of this file is described in pf.conf(5).

Note that at the stage the configuration is loaded, the network interface(s) do not have an IP address yet, so you use rules that derive addresses from an interface (for example: “pass out from any to fxp0”).

Default initial ruleset file.
Override of the default initial ruleset file.

When using NFS (e.g. diskless situations), you'll also need the following rules in addition to the default rules to unblock NFS:

scrub in all no-df
pass in proto udp from any port { 111, 2049 } to any
pass out proto udp from any to any port { 111, 2049 }

pf(4), pf.conf(5), pfctl(8)

August 17, 2005 NetBSD-9.2