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OPTSTR(9) Kernel Developer's Manual OPTSTR(9)

optstr_getOptions string management

#include <sys/optstr.h>

optstr_get(const char *optstr, const char *key, char *buf, size_t bufsize);

An options string is a list of key/value pairs represented in textual form. Each pair is expressed as ‘'key=value'’ and is separated from other pairs by one or more spaces. For example:

key1=value1 key2=value2 key3=value3

Options strings are used to pass information between userland programs and the kernel in a binary-agnostic way. This makes them endianness and ABI independent.

The following functions are provided to manage options strings:

(optstr, key, buf, bufsize)
Scans the optstr options string looking for the key key and stores its value in the buffer pointed to by buf copying a maximum of bufsize bytes. Returns ‘true’ if the key was found or ‘false’ otherwise, in which case buf is left unmodified.

The options string management functions are implemented within the files sys/kern/subr_optstr.c and sys/sys/optstr.h.

Options strings appeared in NetBSD 4.0.

August 11, 2007 NetBSD-9.2