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MCP48X1DAC(4) Device Drivers Manual MCP48X1DAC(4)

mcp48x1dacMicrochip 48x1 digital to analog converter

mcp48x1dac* at spi? slave ? flags N

The mcp48x1dac driver supports the MCP48x1 family of digital to analog converters. The digital values to be converted to analog signal are passed through the sysctl(8) node.

The driver reports the current voltage output on the chip's DAC channel through the envsys(4) API. It calculates these values assuming that internal 2.048V reference voltage (Vref) is used.

The following table shows the supported chips. The type of the chip can be selected with the flags argument in the config file.

8 bits 0
10 bits 1
12 bits 2

The following sysctl(3) variables are provided:
Defines digital data to be converted into analog signal. This value is interpreted literally and sent to the DAC without any conversion. Refer to the chip datasheet for more information.
When set to 1 it enables 2x output gain on the DAC channel. The default value is 0.

envsys(4), spi(4), sysctl(8)

MCP4801/4811/4821 8/10/12-Bit Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter with Internal VREF and SPI Interface Data Sheet.

The mcp48x1dac driver first appeared in NetBSD 7.0.

The mcp48x1dac driver was written by Radoslaw Kujawa.

This man page is based on mcp3kadc(4) page by Frank Wille.

There are bugs.

August 23, 2015 NetBSD-9.2