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BOOT(8) System Manager's Manual (hppa) BOOT(8)

boothppa system bootstrapping procedures

When powered on, after a panic, or if the system is rebooted via reboot(8) or shutdown(8), the hppa firmware (“PDC”) will proceed to its initialization, and will boot an operating system if autoboot is enabled.

System boot blocks are provided as a “LIF” (Logical Interchange Format) archive, either on a disk device, or via the network, using the bootp or rboot protocols, depending on the PDC version.

If autoboot is enabled, the PDC will attempt to boot from the specified “boot path” value. If no “boot path” has been specified, the PDC will then scan for bootable devices and boot from the first found, after a few seconds allowing the user to interrupt the boot process. If autoboot is disabled, the PDC will enter interactive mode, after an optional device scan. In all cases, it is possible to enter interactive mode by holding the escape key during the selftests, or when prompted to do so to abort the current operation, unless the PDC has been configured in “secure mode”.

“ISL” stands for “Initial System Loader” and is the boot program in NetBSD. On all versions of the PDC except for the 712 and 725 models the “boot” command (see below) will be followed by the question: “Interact with IPL (Y, N, or Cancel)?>” where a positive answer will invoke an interactive prompt in the boot program later and negative will thus suppress it. A cancellation will abort the boot process.

On the 712 and 725 models firmware an additional “isl” argument should be given to the “boot” command to invoke the boot interactive prompt. The default behaviour is a non-interactive boot process.

This version is used on the following models: 705, 7x0, 715/33/50/75, 725/50/75, 735, 755. There are two levels of interactive commands in this version. The first level is a short menu:

b)   Boot from specified device
s)   Search for bootable device
a)   Enter Boot Administration mode
x)   Exit and continue boot sequence

Select from menu:

which provides the following commands:

boot from a device found during the scan, either with its short “P#” form, or a complete name specification. For example, to boot from the SCSI disk with id 6 off the built-in (first) controller, one would enter b scsi.6.0.
rescan for bootable devices.
enter the second part of interactive mode.
resume an interrupted boot sequence.

The “Boot Administration” mode, recognizable with its BOOT_ADMIN> prompt, controls the various boot options. The complete list of commands depends on the machine and PDC version. The following list only mentions commands impacting the boot process.

Displays or changes the autoboot setting. If autoselect is set to “on”, the PDC will always attempt to boot the first bootable device found in this order:
  1. Boot device path setting.
  2. SCSI devices connected to the built-in SCSI controller, the highest ID numbers being preferred.
  3. Network rboot server (see also rbootd(8)).
  4. Other SCSI devices connected to secondary controllers, the highest ID numbers being preferred.
If the setting defines a bootable device, no device scan will occur.
Boots off the specified device. It is similar to the b command from the short menu above. The “primary” and “alternate” path settings may be booted with boot pri and boot alt respectively.
Displays or changes the boot and console devices. The boot device is defined as the “primary” path, and another setting may be stored as the “alternate” path for rescue purposes. For example, to define the primary boot path to the SCSI disk with ID 5 connected to the built-in controller, one would enter path primary scsi.5

When invoked without parameters, path will list the various path settings.

Machines equipped with 7100LC, 7200, or 7300LC CPU types are usually blessed with a different kind of PDC. There is only one interactive mode, with a BOOT_ADMIN> prompt, which provides both boot settings and commands. The complete list of commands depends on the machine and PDC version. The following list only mentions commands impacting the boot process.

Displays or changes the autoboot setting. If auto boot is set to “on”, the PDC will always attempt to boot. The booted device chosen will depend on the auto search setting.
Displays or changes the device scan setting. If auto search is set to “on”, the PDC will attempt to boot the first bootable device found in this order:
  1. Boot device path setting.
  2. SCSI devices connected to the built-in SCSI controller, the highest ID numbers being preferred.
  3. Network bootp server (see also dhcpd(8)).
  4. Other SCSI devices connected to secondary controllers, the highest ID numbers being preferred.
If auto search is set to “off” and the primary boot path points to a bootable device, no device scan will occur.

Note that setting auto search to “on” will force autoboot, regardless of the auto boot value.

Boots off the specified device. The “primary” and “alternate” path settings may be booted with boot pri and boot alt respectively.
Displays or changes the boot and console devices. The boot device is defined as the “primary” path, and another setting may be stored as the “alternate” path for rescue purposes. For example, to define the primary boot path to the SCSI disk with ID 5 connected to the built-in controller, one would enter path pri scsi.5.

When invoked without parameters, path will list the various path settings.

If the system crashes, it will enter the kernel debugger, ddb(4), if it is configured in the kernel. If the crash occurred during initialization and the debugger is not present or is exited, the kernel will halt the system. If the crash occurred during normal operation and the debugger is not present or is exited, the system will attempt a dump to the configured dump device (which will be automatically recovered with savecore(8) during the next multi-user boot cycle), and after the dump is complete (successful or not) the kernel will attempt a reboot.

network bootstrap and kernel combined image
default NetBSD system kernel
primary bootstrap for “ffs” file system
system bootstrap (usually also installed as /boot)

ddb(4), dhcpd(8), halt(8), init(8), installboot(8), rbootd(8), reboot(8), savecore(8), shutdown(8)

July 27, 2004 NetBSD-9.2