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ISP(4) Device Drivers Manual ISP(4)

ispQlogic based SCSI and FibreChannel SCSI Host Adapters

isp* at pci? dev? function? (PCI)
isp* at sbus? slot ? offset ? (SBus)
scsibus* at isp?

This driver provides access to SCSI or FibreChannel devices.

SCSI features include support for Ultra SCSI and wide mode transactions for SCSI, and LVD (for the ISP1080 and ISP1280),

Fibre Channel support uses FCP SCSI profile for FibreChannel and uses Class 3 connections only. Support is available for Public and Private loops. Command tagging is supported for all (in fact, FibreChannel requires tagging).

An optional flags 0x80 appended to the above isp declarations will disable the download of driver firmware, which means you use whatever firmware is running on the card. If no firmware is running on the card, the driver cannot operate the card.

An optional flags 0x40 appended to the above isp declarations (can be OR'd in with the other config flags option) will keep the driver from looking at device or bus NVRAM settings (this is in case NVRAM is just wrong and you have the card in a platform where it is inconvenient to change NVRAM settings on the card).

Supported cards include:

SBus Fast Wide, Ultra Fast Wide cards, Single Ended or Differential cards.
Performance Technology ISP1000 variants.
Qlogic 1020 Fast Wide and Differential Fast Wide PCI cards.
Qlogic 1040 Ultra Wide and Differential Ultra Wide PCI cards.
Performance Technology ISP1040 variants.
Qlogic 1240
Qlogic 1240 Dual Bus Ultra Wide and Differential Ultra Wide PCI cards.
Qlogic 1080
Qlogic 1280 LVD Ultra2 Wide PCI cards.
Qlogic 1280
Qlogic 1280 Dual Bus LVD Ultra2 Wide PCI cards.
Qlogic 2100
Qlogic 2100 and 2100A Copper and Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop
Qlogic 2102
Qlogic Dual Loop 2100A Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI cards.
Qlogic 2200
Qlogic 2200 Copper and Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI cards.
Qlogic 2202
Qlogic 2200 Dual Bus Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI cards.
Qlogic 2204
Qlogic 2200 Quad Bus Optical Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop PCI cards.
Qlogic 2300
Qlogic 2300 2-Gigabit Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.
Qlogic 2312
Qlogic 2300 2-Gigabit Dual Channel Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.
Performance Technology ISP2100 variants.
Antares P-0033
Antares Microsystems ISP2100 variants.
Qlogic 2400
Qlogic 2400 4-Gigabit Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.
Qlogic 2500
Qlogic 2500 8-Gigabit Optical Fibre Channel PCI cards.

cd(4), intro(4), scsi(4), sd(4), st(4)

The isp driver was written by Matthew Jacob for NASA/Ames Research Center.

The driver currently ignores some NVRAM settings.

The driver currently doesn't do error recovery for timed out commands very gracefully.

Sometimes, when booting, the driver gets stuck waiting for the Fibre Channel firmware to tell it that the loop port database is ready. In this case you'll see an announcement that the loop state has a value of 0x1. To unwedge the system, unplug and replug the fibre channel connection, or otherwise cause a LIP (Loop Initialization Primitive sequence) - this will kick the firmware into getting unstuck.

June 24, 2009 NetBSD-9.2