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GPIO.CONF(5) File Formats Manual GPIO.CONF(5)

gpio.confGPIO config file

The gpio.conf file is read by the gpio rc.d script during system start-up and shutdown, and is intended for configuring GPIO pins.

Lines starting with a hash (‘#’) and empty lines are ignored. All other lines are passed to gpioctl(8).

The gpio.conf configuration file resides in /etc.
rc.d(8) script that parses gpio.conf.

In this example, if the /etc/gpio.conf config file is present pin 1 of /dev/gpio0 is set as output and named "error_led".

# Program pin 1 of /dev/gpio0 as output and name it "error_led"
gpio0 1 set out error_led

gpioctl(8), rc(8)

August 1, 2009 NetBSD-9.2