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DMOVER(9) Kernel Developer's Manual DMOVER(9)

dmover_backend_register, dmover_backend_unregister, dmover_session_create, dmover_session_destroy, dmover_request_alloc, dmover_request_free, dmover_process, dmover_donehardware-assisted data mover interface

#include <dev/dmover/dmovervar.h>

Client interface routines:

dmover_session_create(const char *, struct dmover_session **);

dmover_session_destroy(struct dmover_session *);

struct dmover_request *
dmover_request_alloc(struct dmover_session *, dmover_buffer *);

dmover_request_free(struct dmover_request *);

dmover_process(struct dmover_request *);

Back-end interface routines:

dmover_backend_register(struct dmover_backend *);

dmover_backend_unregister(struct dmover_backend *);

dmover_done(struct dmover_request *);

The dmover facility provides an interface to hardware-assisted data movers. This can be used to copy data from one location in memory to another, clear a region of memory, fill a region of memory with a pattern, and perform simple operations on multiple regions of memory, such as an XOR, without intervention by the CPU.

The drivers for hardware-assisted data movers present themselves to dmover by registering their capabilities. When a client wishes to use a dmover function, it creates a session for that function, which identifies back-ends capable of performing that function. The client then enqueues requests on that session, which the back-ends process asynchronously. The client may choose to block until the request is completed, or may have a call-back invoked once the request has been completed.

When a client creates a session, the dmover facility identifies back-ends which are capable of handling the requested function. When a request is scheduled for processing, the dmover scheduler will identify the best back-end to process the request from the list of candidate back-ends, in an effort to provide load balancing, while considering the relative performance of each back-end.

A dmover function always has one output region. A function may have zero or more input regions, or may use an immediate value as an input. For functions which use input regions, the lengths of each input region and the output region must be the same. All dmover functions with the same name will have the same number of and type inputs. If a back-end attempts to register a function which violates this invariant, behavior is undefined.

The dmover facility supports several types of buffer descriptors. For functions which use input regions, each input buffer descriptor and the output buffer descriptor must be of the same type. This restriction may be removed in a future revision of the interface.

The dmover facility may need to interrupt request processing and restart it. Clients of the dmover facility should take care to avoid unwanted side-effects should this occur. In particular, for functions which use input regions, no input region may overlap with the output region.

The dmover facility shares several data structures between the client and back-end in order to describe sessions and requests.

typedef enum {
} dmover_buffer_type;

typedef struct {
	void *l_addr;
	size_t l_len;
} dmover_buf_linear;

typedef union {
	dmover_buf_linear dmbuf_linear;
	struct uio *dmbuf_uio;
} dmover_buffer;

Together, these data types are used to describe buffer data structures which the dmover facility understands. Additional buffer types may be added in future revisions of the dmover interface.

The dmover_assignment structure contains the information about the back-end to which a request is currently assigned. It contains the following public members:

struct dmover_backend *das_backend
This is a pointer to the back-end.
const struct dmover_algdesc *das_algdesc
This is a pointer to the algorithm description provided by the back-end for the request's function.

The dmover_session structure contains the following public members:

void *dses_cookie
This is a pointer to client private data.
int dses_ninputs
This is the number of inputs used by the selected function.

The dmover_request structure contains the following public members:

TAILQ_ENTRY(dmover_request) dreq_dmbq
Linkage on the back-end's queue of pending requests.
struct dmover_session *dreq_session
Pointer to the session with which this request is associated. This is intended for use by the back-end.
struct dmover_assignment *dreq_assignment
Pointer to the dmover_assignment structure which describes the back-end to which the request is currently assigned. The back-end is assigned when the request is scheduled with ().
void (*dreq_callback)(struct dmover_request *)
This is a pointer to an optional call-back function provided by the client. If provided, the call-back is invoked when the request is complete. This field must be NULL if is set in dreq_flags.
void *dreq_cookie
This is a pointer to client private data specific to the request.
void *dreq_dmbcookie
This is a pointer to back-end private data, for use while the back-end is actively processing a request.
volatile int dreq_flags
The following flags are defined:
The request has been completed. If not using a call-back, the client may poll this bit to determine if a request has been processed.
An error has occurred while processing the request.
The request is currently being executed by the back-end. Once a command is running, it cannot be cancelled, and must run to completion.
If set by the client, dmover_process() will wait for the request to complete using cv_wait(9). This flag may only be used if the caller has a valid thread context. If this flag is set, a callback may not be used.
int dreq_error
If the DMOVER_REQ_ERROR bit is set, this contains the errno(2) value indicating the error that occurred during processing.
dmover_buffer_type dreq_outbuf_type
The type of the output buffer.
dmover_buffer dreq_outbuf
The output buffer.
uint8_t dreq_immediate[8]
This is the input for algorithms which use an immediate value. Values smaller than 8 bytes should use the least-significant bytes first. For example, a 32-bit integer would occupy bytes 0, 1, 2, and 3.
dmover_buffer_type dreq_inbuf_type
The type of the input buffer. This is only used if the dmover function has one or more inputs.
dmover_buffer *dreq_inbuf
A pointer to an array of input buffers. This is only used if the dmover function has one or more inputs. The number of inputs, and thus the number of valid elements in the array, is specified by the algorithm description for the session.

The following functions are provided to the client:

dmover_session_create(function, sessionp)

The () function creates a data mover session for the specified data movement function function. A handle to the new session is returned in sessionp.

The following are valid data movement function names:

Fill a memory region with zeros. This algorithm has an input count of 0.
Fill a memory region with an 8-bit pattern. This algorithm has an input count of 0. The pattern is provided in the member of the dmover_request structure.
Copy a memory region from one location to another. This algorithm has an input count of 1.
Perform an XOR operation on 2 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 2.
Perform an XOR operation on 3 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 3.
Perform an XOR operation on 4 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 4.
Perform an XOR operation on 5 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 5.
Perform an XOR operation on 6 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 6.
Perform an XOR operation on 7 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 7.
Perform an XOR operation on 8 inputs. This algorithm has an input count of 8.

Users of the dmover facility are encouraged to use the following aliases for the well-known function names, as doing so saves space and reduces the chance of programming errors:

“zero” (dmover_funcname_zero)
“fill8” (dmover_funcname_fill8)
“copy” (dmover_funcname_copy)
“xor2” (dmover_funcname_xor2)
“xor3” (dmover_funcname_xor3)
“xor4” (dmover_funcname_xor4)
“xor5” (dmover_funcname_xor5)
“xor6” (dmover_funcname_xor6)
“xor7” (dmover_funcname_xor7)
“xor8” (dmover_funcname_xor8)

The () function tears down a data mover session and releases all resources associated with it.

dmover_request_alloc(session, inbuf)

The () function allocates a dmover request structure and associates it with the specified session. If the inbuf argument is not NULL, inbuf is used as the array of input buffer descriptors in the request. Otherwise, if inbuf is NULL and the dmover function requires input buffers, the input buffer descriptors will be allocated automatically using malloc(9).

If the request structure or input buffer descriptors cannot be allocated, () return NULL to indicate failure.


The () function frees a dmover request structure. If the dmover function requires input buffers, and the input buffer descriptors associated with req were allocated by dmover_request_alloc(), then the input buffer descriptors will also be freed.


The () function submits the dmover request req for processing. The call-back specified by the request is invoked when processing is complete.

The () and dmover_session_destroy() functions must not be called from interrupt context.

The (), dmover_request_free(), and dmover_process() functions may be called from interrupt handlers at levels IPL_VM, IPL_SOFTCLOCK, and IPL_SOFTNET, or in non-interrupt context.

The request completion call-back is called from a software interrupt handler at IPL_SOFTCLOCK.

A back-end describes the dmover functions it can perform using an array of dmover_algdesc structures:

struct dmover_algdesc {
	const char *dad_name;	/* algorithm name */
	void *dad_data;		/* opaque algorithm description */
	int dad_ninputs;	/* number of inputs */

The member points to a valid dmover function name which the client may specify. The member points to a back-end-specific description of the algorithm.

A back-end presents itself to the dmover facility using the dmover_backend structure. The back-end must initialize the following members of the structure:

const char *dmb_name
This is the name of the back-end.
u_int dmb_speed
This is an estimate of the number of kilobytes/second that the back-end can process.
void *dmb_cookie
This is a pointer to back-end private data.
const struct dmover_algdesc *dmb_algdescs
This points to an array of dmover_algdesc structures which describe the functions the data mover can perform.
int dmb_nalgdescs
This is the number of elements in the array.
void (*dmb_process)(struct dmover_backend *)
This is the entry point to the back-end used to process requests.

When invoked by the dmover facility, the back-end's (*dmb_process)() function should examine the pending request queue in its dmover_backend structure:

TAILQ_HEAD(, dmover_request) dmb_pendreqs
This is the queue of pending requests.
int dmb_npendreqs
This is the number of requests in the queue.

If an error occurs when processing the request, the DMOVER_REQ_ERROR bit must be set in the dreq_flags member of the request, and the member set to an errno(2) value to indicate the error.

When the back-end has finished processing the request, it must call the () function. This function eventually invokes the client's call-back routine.

If a hardware-assisted data mover uses interrupts, the interrupt handlers should be registered at IPL_VM.

The following functions are provided to the back-ends:


The () function registers the back-end backend with the dmover facility.


The () function removes the back-end backend from the dmover facility. The back-end must already be registered.


The () function is called by the back-end when it has finished processing a request, whether the request completed successfully or not.

The () and dmover_backend_unregister() functions must not be called from interrupt context.

The () function may be called at IPL_VM, IPL_SOFTCLOCK, IPL_SOFTNET, or in non-interrupt context.

The following is an example of a client using dmover to zero-fill a region of memory. In this example, the CPU will be able to context switch to another thread and perform work while the hardware-assisted data mover clears the specified block of memory.

hw_bzero(void *buf, size_t len)
	struct dmover_session *dses;
	struct dmover_request *dreq;
	int error;

	error = dmover_session_create(DMOVER_FUNC_ZERO, &dses);
	if (error)
		return (error);

	dreq = dmover_request_alloc(dses, NULL);
	if (dreq == NULL) {
		return (ENOMEM);

	dreq->dreq_flags = DMOVER_REQ_WAIT;
	dreq->dreq_callback = NULL;
	dreq->dreq_outbuf.dreq_outbuf_type = DMOVER_BUF_LINEAR;
	dreq->dreq_outbuf.dmbuf_linear.l_addr = buf;
	dreq->dreq_outbuf.dmbuf_linear.l_len = len;


	error = (dreq->dreq_flags & DMOVER_REQ_ERROR) ?
	    dreq->dreq_error : 0;


	return (error);

queue(3), dmoverio(4)

The dmover facility first appeared in NetBSD 2.0.

The dmover facility was designed and implemented by Jason R. Thorpe ⟨⟩ and contributed by Wasabi Systems, Inc.

The mechanism by which a back-end should advertise its performance to the request scheduler is not well-defined. Therefore, the load-balancing mechanism within the request scheduler is also not well-defined.

December 4, 2007 NetBSD-9.2