disk description file
is a simple database which describes disk
geometries and disk partition characteristics. It is used to initialize the
disk label on the disk. The format is described in
capfile(5). Entries in disktab
consist of a
number of `:' separated fields. The first entry for each disk gives the names
which are known for the disk, separated by `|' characters. The last name given
should be a long name fully identifying the disk.
The following list indicates the normal values stored for each disk entry.
Name | Type | Description |
ty | str | Type of disk (e.g. removable, winchester) |
dt | str | Type of controller (e.g. SMD, ESDI, floppy) |
ns | num | Number of sectors per track |
nt | num | Number of tracks per cylinder |
nc | num | Total number of cylinders on the disk |
sc | num | Number of sectors per cylinder, ns*nt default |
su | num | Number of sectors per unit, sc*nc default |
se | num | Sector size in bytes, DEV_BSIZE default |
sf | bool | Controller supports bad144-style bad sector forwarding |
rm | num | Rotation speed, rpm, 3600 default |
sk | num | Sector skew per track, default 0 |
cs | num | Sector skew per cylinder, default 0 |
hs | num | Headswitch time, usec, default 0 |
ts | num | One-cylinder seek time, usec, default 0 |
il | num | Sector interleave (n:1), 1 default |
d[0-4] | num | Drive-type-dependent parameters |
bs | num | Boot block size, default BBSIZE |
sb | num | Superblock size, default SBSIZE |
ba | num | Block size for partition `a' (bytes) |
bd | num | Block size for partition `d' (bytes) |
be | num | Block size for partition `e' (bytes) |
bf | num | Block size for partition `f' (bytes) |
bg | num | Block size for partition `g' (bytes) |
bh | num | Block size for partition `h' (bytes) |
fa | num | Fragment size for partition `a' (bytes) |
fd | num | Fragment size for partition `d' (bytes) |
fe | num | Fragment size for partition `e' (bytes) |
ff | num | Fragment size for partition `f' (bytes) |
fg | num | Fragment size for partition `g' (bytes) |
fh | num | Fragment size for partition `h' (bytes) |
oa | num | Offset of partition `a' in sectors |
ob | num | Offset of partition `b' in sectors |
oc | num | Offset of partition `c' in sectors |
od | num | Offset of partition `d' in sectors |
oe | num | Offset of partition `e' in sectors |
of | num | Offset of partition `f' in sectors |
og | num | Offset of partition `g' in sectors |
oh | num | Offset of partition `h' in sectors |
pa | num | Size of partition `a' in sectors |
pb | num | Size of partition `b' in sectors |
pc | num | Size of partition `c' in sectors |
pd | num | Size of partition `d' in sectors |
pe | num | Size of partition `e' in sectors |
pf | num | Size of partition `f' in sectors |
pg | num | Size of partition `g' in sectors |
ph | num | Size of partition `h' in sectors |
ta | str | Partition type of partition `a' (4.2BSD filesystem, swap, etc) |
tb | str | Partition type of partition `b' |
tc | str | Partition type of partition `c' |
td | str | Partition type of partition `d' |
te | str | Partition type of partition `e' |
tf | str | Partition type of partition `f' |
tg | str | Partition type of partition `g' |
th | str | Partition type of partition `h' |
- /etc/disktab
getdiskbyname(3), capfile(5), disklabel(5), disklabel(8), newfs(8)
The disktab
description file appeared in