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GRFUL(4) Device Drivers Manual (amiga) GRFUL(4)

grful8-bit color graphics driver

grful* at zbus0
grf4 at grful?
ite4 at grf4

The grful is a driver for the A2410, a TMS34010 based color graphics board. It supports the minimal ioctl's needed to run X11, but doesn't provide a mappable framebuffer, so special X servers are needed.
A standard ITE terminal emulator is supported on one of the overlay planes.

The grful interface supports the following ZorroII expansion card:

A Zorro II only card with the TMS34010 processor. From the University of Lowell, manufacturer 1030, product 0.

graphics interface special file
graphics interface special file for accessing images
graphics interface special file for overlays
console interface special file for the internal terminal emulator

amiga/console(4), amiga/ite(4), amiga/grfconfig(8)

The grful interface first appeared in NetBSD 1.1.

grful does not allow setting graphics modes with amiga/grfconfig(8).

February 17, 2017 NetBSD-9.2