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pmc_name_of_capability, pmc_name_of_class, pmc_name_of_cputype, pmc_name_of_disposition, pmc_name_of_event, pmc_name_of_mode, pmc_name_of_statehuman readable names for numeric constants used by pmc(3) and hwpmc(4)

library “libpmc”

#include <pmc.h>

const char *
pmc_name_of_capability(enum pmc_caps pc);

const char *
pmc_name_of_class(enum pmc_class pc);

const char *
pmc_name_of_cputype(enum pmc_cputype ct);

const char *
pmc_name_of_disposition(enum pmc_disp pd);

const char *
pmc_name_of_event(enum pmc_event pe);

const char *
pmc_name_of_mode(enum pmc_mode pm);

const char *
pmc_name_of_state(enum pmc_state ps);

These convenience functions translate numeric constants used by the library “libpmc” to const char * pointers to human readable representations of their arguments.

Function () translates a PMC capability flag given in argument pc to a human readable string. PMC capabilities are described in pmc(3).

Function () translates the PMC class value specified in argument pc to a human readable name. PMC classes are described in pmc(3).

Function () translates the CPU type value specified in argument ct to a human readable name. CPU types known to the library are described in pmc(3).

Function () translates the PMC row disposition specified in argument pd to a human readable name. PMC row dispositions are described in hwpmc(4).

Function () translates the PMC event number specified by argument pe to a string. PMC event names are documented in section EVENT SPECIFIERS of pmc(3).

Function () translates the PMC mode specified by argument pm to a human readable string. PMC modes are described in pmc(3).

Function () translates the value of argument ps to a human readable name.

The returned pointers point to static storage inside the PMC library and should not be freed by the caller.

These functions return a non-NULL pointer on successful completion. In case of an error, a NULL pointer is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error.

A call to these functions may fail with the following errors:

The function argument specified an invalid value.

pmc(3), pmc_cpuinfo(3), pmc_pmcinfo(3), hwpmc(4)

November 24, 2007 FreeBSD-12.0