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MBSTOWCS(3) Library Functions Manual MBSTOWCS(3)

mbstowcsconvert a character string to a wide-character string

library “libc”

#include <stdlib.h>

mbstowcs(wchar_t * restrict wcstring, const char * restrict mbstring, size_t nwchars);

The () function converts a multibyte character string mbstring beginning in the initial conversion state into a wide character string wcstring. No more than nwchars wide characters are stored. A terminating null wide character is appended if there is room.

The mbstowcs() function returns the number of wide characters converted, not counting any terminating null wide character, or -1 if an invalid multibyte character was encountered.

The mbstowcs() function will fail if:

An invalid multibyte sequence was detected.
The conversion state is invalid.

mbsrtowcs(3), mbtowc(3), multibyte(3)

The mbstowcs() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (“ISO C99”).

April 8, 2004 FreeBSD-12.0