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GENSNMPTREE(1) General Commands Manual GENSNMPTREE(1)

gensnmptreegenerate C and header files from a MIB description file

gensnmptree [-dEeFfhlt] [-I directory] [-i infile] [-p prefix] [name ...]

The gensnmptree utility is used to either generate C language tables and header files from a MIB description or to numeric OIDs from MIB descriptions. The first form is used only for maintaining the bsnmpd(1) daemon or for module writers. The second form may be used by SNMP client program writers.

If none of the options -e, -E or -t are used gensnmptree reads a MIB description from its standard input and creates two files: a C-file prefixtree.c containing a table used by bsnmpd(1) during PDU processing and a header file prefixtree.h containing appropriate declarations of the callback functions used in this table, the table itself and definitions for all enums.

The following options are available:

Switch on debugging.
Extract enumerations and bit constructs. In this mode the tool emits a header file that contains for each type given on the command line a C-enum definition and a preprocessor define that may be used to map values to strings.
gensnmptree expects MIB variable names (only the last component) on its command line. It reads a MIB specification from standard input and for each MIB variable name emits three C preprocessor defines on its standard output:
This define can be used to initialize a struct asn_oid in the following way:

const struct asn_oid oid_sysDescr = OIDX_sysDescr;
is the length of the OID.
is the last component of the OID.
Together with -E causes gensnmptree instead of the generation of enum definitions the generation of functions for checking a value to be one of the enumeration variants and for conversion between strings and the enum. The file is sent to standard output and is meant to be included into a C-file for compilation.
This flag can be used together with -E or when generating the tree files. It causes gensnmptree to emit static inline functions for checking a value to be one of the enumeration values and for conversion between strings and the enum. If used when generating the tree files, the preprocessor symbol SNMPTREE_TYPES must be defined when including the tree header file for these definitions to become visible.
Print a short help page.
Add the named directory to the include path just before the standard include directories.
Read from the named file instead of standard input.
Generate local preprocessor includes. This is used for bootstrapping bsnmpd(1).
Instead of normal output print the resulting tree.
Prefix the file names and the table name with prefix.

The following functions are generated by -f or -F:

static inline int (enum EnumName);

static inline const char * (enum EnumName);

static inline int (const char *, enum EnumName *);

The EnumName is replaced with the enumeration name. () returns 1 if the argument is one of the valid enum values and 0 otherwise. tostr_EnumName() returns a string representation of the enumeration value. If the values is not one of the legal values EnumName??? is returned. fromstr_EnumName() returns 1 if the string represents one of the legal enumeration values and 0 otherwise. If 1 is return the variable pointed to by the second argument is set to the enumeration value.

The syntax of the MIB description file can formally be specified as follows:

 file := top | top file

 top := tree | typedef | include

 tree := head elements ')'

 entry := head ':' index STRING elements ')'

 leaf := head type STRING ACCESS ')'

 column := head type ACCESS ')'

 type := BASETYPE | BASETYPE '|' subtype | enum | bits

 subtype := STRING

 enum := ENUM '(' value ')'

 bits := BITS '(' value ')'

 value := INT STRING | INT STRING value

 head := '(' INT STRING

 elements := EMPTY | elements element

 element := tree | leaf | column

 index := type | index type

 typedef := 'typedef' STRING type

 include := 'include' filespec

 filespec := '"' STRING '"' | '<' STRING '>'

BASETYPE specifies a SNMP data type and may be one of

ACCESS specifies the accessibility of the MIB variable (which operation can be performed) and is one of

INT is a decimal integer and STRING is any string starting with a letter or underscore and consisting of letters, digits, underscores and minuses, that is not one of the keywords.

The typedef directive associates a type with a single name.

The include directive is replaced by the contents of the named file.

The following MIB description describes the system group:

include "tc.def"

typedef AdminStatus ENUM (
	1 up
	2 down

(1 internet
  (2 mgmt
    (1 mibII
      (1 system
        (1 sysDescr OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET)
        (2 sysObjectId OID op_system_group GET)
        (3 sysUpTime TIMETICKS op_system_group GET)
        (4 sysContact OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET)
        (5 sysName OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET)
        (6 sysLocation OCTETSTRING op_system_group GET SET)
        (7 sysServices INTEGER op_system_group GET)
        (8 sysORLastChange TIMETICKS op_system_group GET)
        (9 sysORTable
          (1 sysOREntry : INTEGER op_or_table
            (1 sysORIndex INTEGER)
            (2 sysORID OID GET)
            (3 sysORDescr OCTETSTRING GET)
            (4 sysORUpTime TIMETICKS GET)


Hartmut Brandt ⟨⟩

June 29, 2018 FreeBSD-12.0