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SETFIB(1) General Commands Manual SETFIB(1)

setfibexecute a utility with an altered default network view

setfib [-F] fib utility [argument ...]

The setfib utility runs another utility with a different routing table. The table number fib will be used by default for all sockets started by this process or descendants.

The PATH environment variable is used to locate the requested utility if the name contains no ‘/’ characters.

If utility is invoked, the exit status of setfib is the exit status of utility.

An exit status of 126 indicates utility was found, but could not be executed. An exit status of 127 indicates utility could not be found.

Run netstat(1) to view the second routing table.

setfib -F 1 netstat -rn
setfib 1 netstat -rn
setfib -1 netstat -rn

setfib(2), setsockopt(2)

The setfib utility is a FreeBSD specific extension. However, many UNIX-like systems have an equivalent function.

The setfib utility appeared in FreeBSD 7.1.

October 20, 2008 FreeBSD-13.0