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RPC.YPXFRD(8) System Manager's Manual RPC.YPXFRD(8)

rpc.ypxfrdNIS map transfer server

rpc.ypxfrd [-p path]

The rpc.ypxfrd utility is used to speed up the distribution of very large NIS maps from NIS master to NIS slave servers. The normal method for transferring maps involves several steps:

This process can take several minutes when there are very large maps involved. For example: a passwd database with several tens of thousands of entries can consume several megabytes of disk space, and it can take the db(3) library package a long time to sort and store all the records in a hash database. Consider also that there are two sets of map files:{name,uid} and{name,uid}.

The rpc.ypxfrd utility speeds up the transfer process by allowing NIS slave servers to simply copy the master server's map files rather than building their own from scratch. Simply put, rpc.ypxfrd implements an RPC-based file transfer protocol. Transferring even a multi-megabyte file in this fashion takes only a few seconds compared to the several minutes it would take even a reasonably fast slave server to build a new map from scratch.

The rpc.ypxfrd utility uses the same access restriction mechanism as ypserv(8). This means that slave servers will only be permitted to transfer files if the rules in the securenets database permit it (see ypserv(8) for more information on securenets). Furthermore, only slave servers using reserved ports will be allowed to transfer the master.passwd maps.

The following option is available:

This option can be used to override the default path to the location of the NIS map databases. The compiled-in default path is /var/yp.

The NIS maps for a particular NIS domain.

yp(8), yppush(8), ypserv(8), ypxfr(8)

Bill Paul <>

The FreeBSD ypxfrd protocol is not compatible with that used by SunOS. This is unfortunate but unavoidable: Sun's protocol is not freely available, and even if it were it would probably not be useful since the SunOS NIS v2 implementation uses the original ndbm package for its map databases whereas the FreeBSD implementation uses Berkeley DB. These two packages use vastly different file formats. Furthermore, ndbm is byte-order sensitive and not very smart about it, meaning that am ndbm database created on a big endian system cannot be read on a little endian system.

June 2, 1996 FreeBSD-13.0