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UUID(3) Library Functions Manual UUID(3)

uuid_addr_lookup, uuid_compare, uuid_create, uuid_create_nil, uuid_equal, uuid_from_string, uuid_hash, uuid_is_nil, uuid_name_lookup, uuid_reset_lookup, uuid_to_stringDCE 1.1 compliant UUID functions

library “libc”

#include <uuid.h>

uuid_addr_lookup(const uuid_t *u, char **strp, uint32_t *status);

uuid_compare(const uuid_t *uuid1, const uuid_t *uuid2, uint32_t *status);

uuid_create(uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);

uuid_create_nil(uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);

uuid_equal(const uuid_t *uuid1, const uuid_t *uuid2, uint32_t *status);

uuid_from_string(const char *str, uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);

uuid_hash(const uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);

uuid_is_nil(const uuid_t *uuid, uint32_t *status);

uuid_name_lookup(uuid_t *u, const char *str, uint32_t *status);


uuid_to_string(const uuid_t *uuid, char **str, uint32_t *status);

uuid_enc_le(void *buf, const uuid_t *uuid);

uuid_dec_le(const void *buf, uuid_t *);

uuid_enc_be(void *buf, const uuid_t *uuid);

uuid_dec_be(const void *buf, uuid_t *);

The family of DCE 1.1 compliant UUID functions allow applications to operate on universally unique identifiers, or UUIDs. The () and () functions create UUIDs. The (), () and () functions can be used to test UUIDs. To convert from the binary representation to the string representation or vice versa, use () or () respectively. A 16-bit hash value can be obtained by calling ().

String equivalents to UUIDs may be available. The () function will lookup the symbolic name given a UUID. The variable *strp should be initialized to NULL. Successive calls to uuid_addr_lookup() will free the previous contents prior to doing the lookup. The last string may be freed by calling the function with a NULL UUID. If a lookup fails, *strp will be set to NULL and *status (if status is not NULL) will be set to uuid_s_not_found. Otherwise *strp will be assigned to the symbolic name and *status will be set to uuid_s_ok.

The () function will lookup a UUID given a symbolic name. The contents of the uuid will be zeroed out if a lookup fails.

The () function will clear its in-memory cache of UUID<->NAME conversions. The next lookup will reload the cache.

The () and () functions encode a binary representation of a UUID into an octet stream in little-endian and big-endian byte-order, respectively. The destination buffer must be pre-allocated by the caller, and must be large enough to hold the 16-octet binary UUID. These routines are not part of the DCE RPC API. They are provided for convenience.

The () and () functions decode a UUID from an octet stream in little-endian and big-endian byte-order, respectively. These routines are not part of the DCE RPC API. They are provided for convenience.

The successful or unsuccessful completion of the function is returned in the status argument. Possible values are:

The function completed successfully.
The UUID does not have a known version.
The string representation of an UUID is not valid.
The meaning of the code escaped the writers mind.
A UUID lookup failed.

A list of UUIDs and their symbolic names provided by the OS vendor.
A list of UUIDs and their symbolic names provided by the system administrator.

uuidgen(1), uuidgen(2), uuids(5)

The UUID functions conform to the DCE 1.1 RPC specification.

August 13, 2008 DragonFly-5.6.1