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PUTWC(3) Library Functions Manual PUTWC(3)

fputwc, fputwc_l, putwc, putwc_l, putwchar, putwchar_loutput a wide character to a stream

library “libc”

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>

fputwc(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream);

putwc(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream);

putwchar(wchar_t wc);

#include <xlocale.h>

fputwc_l(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream, locale_t locale);

putwc_l(wchar_t wc, FILE *stream, locale_t locale);

putwchar_l(wchar_t wc, locale_t locale);

The () and fputwc_l() functions write the wide character wc to the output stream pointed to by stream.

The () and () functions act essentially identically to fputwc() and fputwc_l().

The () and () functions are identical to putwc() and putwc_l() with an output stream of stdout.

The (), (), and putwchar_l() functions take an explicit locale argument, whereas the fputwc(), putwc(), and putwchar() functions use the current global or per-thread locale.

The fputwc(), fputwc_l(), putwc(), putwc_l(), putwchar(), and putwchar_l() functions return the wide character written. If an error occurs, the value WEOF is returned.

ferror(3), fopen(3), getwc(3), putc(3), stdio(3), xlocale(3)

The fputwc(), putwc(), and putwchar() functions conform to ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (“ISO C99”).

December 25, 2013 DragonFly-5.6.1