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pthread_mutex_timedlocklock a mutex without blocking indefinitely

library “libpthread”

#include <pthread.h>
#include <time.h>

pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t * restrict mutex, const struct timespec * restrict abs_timeout);

The () function will lock mutex. If it is already locked the calling thread will block until the mutex becomes available or the timeout, specified by abs_timeout, expires. The time of the timeout is an absolute time and is not relative to the current time.

If successful, pthread_mutex_timedlock() will return zero, otherwise an error number will be returned to indicate the error.

The pthread_mutex_timedlock() function will fail if:

The mutex was created with the protocol attribute having the value PTHREAD_PRIO_PROTECT and the calling thread's priority is higher than the mutex's current priority ceiling.
The process or thread would have blocked, and abs_timeout specified a nanosecond value less than zero or greater than or equal to 1 billion.
The mutex parameter is invalid.
The mutex could not be locked before the timeout expired.
The mutex could not be acquired because the maximum number of recursive locks for the mutex has been exceeded.
The current thread already owns the mutex.

pthread_mutex_destroy(3), pthread_mutex_getprioceiling(3), pthread_mutex_init(3), pthread_mutex_lock(3), pthread_mutex_setprioceiling(3), pthread_mutex_trylock(3), pthread_mutex_unlock(3)

The pthread_mutex_timedlock() function is expected to conform to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1996 (“POSIX.1”).

February 22, 2018 DragonFly-5.6.1