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NG_IFACE(4) Device Drivers Manual NG_IFACE(4)

ng_ifaceinterface netgraph node type

#include <netgraph/iface/ng_iface.h>

An iface node is both a netgraph node and a system networking interface. When an iface node is created, a new interface appears which is accessible via ifconfig(8). Iface node interfaces are named ng0, ng1, etc. When a node is shutdown, the corresponding interface is removed and the interface name becomes available for reuse by future iface nodes; new nodes always take the first unused interface. The node itself is assigned the same name as its interface, unless the name already exists, in which case the node remains unnamed.

An iface node has a single hook corresponding to each supported protocol. Packets transmitted via the interface flow out the corresponding protocol-specific hook. Similarly, packets received on a hook appear on the interface as packets received into the corresponding protocol stack. The currently supported protocols are IP, IPv6, AppleTalk, ATM, NATM, and NS.

An iface node be configured as a point-to-point interface or a broadcast interface. The configuration can only be changed when the interface is down. The default mode is point-to-point.

Iface nodes support the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF).

This node type supports the following hooks:

Transmission and reception of IP packets.
Transmission and reception of IPv6 packets.
Transmission and reception of AppleTalk packets.
Transmission and reception of ATM packets.
Transmission and reception of NATM packets.
Transmission and reception of NS packets.

This node type supports the generic control messages, plus the following:

Returns the name of the interface corresponding to this node in a struct ng_iface_ifname:
struct ng_iface_ifname {
  char  ngif_name[NG_IFACE_IFACE_NAME_MAX + 1];
Set the interface to point-to-point mode. The interface must not currently be up.
Set the interface to broadcast mode. The interface must not currently be up.
This message is defined by the ng_cisco(4) node type; see ng_cisco(4) for a description.

This node shuts down upon receipt of a NGM_SHUTDOWN control message. The associated interface is removed and becomes available for use by future iface nodes.

Unlike most other node types, an iface node does go away when all hooks have been disconnected; rather, and explicit NGM_SHUTDOWN control message is required.

bpf(4), netgraph(4), ng_cisco(4), ifconfig(8), ngctl(8)

The iface node type was implemented in FreeBSD 4.0.

Archie Cobbs <>

January 19, 1999 DragonFly-5.6.1