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MOUNT_HAMMER2(8) System Manager's Manual MOUNT_HAMMER2(8)

mount_hammer2mount a HAMMER2 file system

mount_hammer2 [-o options] special[@label] node

mount_hammer2 [-o options] @label node

mount_hammer2 -u [-o options] node

The mount_hammer2 utility mounts a HAMMER2 file system backed by special file at mount point node. PFS label is mounted. @label (no special) is a short form, which mounts label from an already mounted HAMMER2 filesystem.

Default value for label is based on partition of special: ‘a’ defaults to "BOOT" , ‘d’ defaults to "ROOT", and any other partition defaults to "DATA".

The options are as follows:

Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a comma separated string of options. See the mount(8) man page for possible options and their meanings. The following HAMMER2 specific options are also available:
Disable PFS clustering.
Update the mount point. This is typically used to upgrade a mount to read-write or downgrade it to read-only.

The mount_hammer2 utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Mount a HAMMER2 file system on /mnt, PFS "ROOT" is mounted:

mount_hammer2 /dev/da0s1d /mnt

A corresponding fstab(5) entry is:

/dev/da0s1d /mnt hammer2

Mount PFS "TEST" from same filesystem:

mount_hammer2 @TEST /mnt2

mount(2), unmount(2), fstab(5), disklabel32(8), disklabel64(8), fdisk(8), gpt(8), hammer2(8), mount(8), newfs_hammer2(8)

The mount_hammer2 utility first appeared in DragonFly 3.3.

This manual page was written by Thomas Nikolajsen.

October 7, 2017 DragonFly-5.6.1