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FIREWIRE(4) Device Drivers Manual FIREWIRE(4)

firewireIEEE1394 High-performance Serial Bus

kldload firewire


device firewire

#include <bus/firewire/firewire.h>

DragonFly provides machine-independent bus support and raw drivers for firewire interfaces.

The firewire driver consists of two layers: the controller and the bus layer. The controller attaches to a physical bus (like pci(4)). The firewire bus attaches to the controller. Additional drivers can be attached to the bus.

Up to 63 devices, including the host itself, can be attached to a firewire bus. The root node is dynamically assigned with a PHY device function. Also, the other firewire bus specific parameters, e.g., node ID, cycle master, isochronous resource manager and bus manager, are dynamically assigned, after bus reset is initiated. On the firewire bus, every device is identified by an EUI 64 address.


fwe(4), fwohci(4), pci(4), sbp(4), fwcontrol(8), kldload(8), sysctl(8)

The firewire driver first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0.

The firewire driver was written by Katsushi Kobayashi and Hidetoshi Shimokawa for the FreeBSD project.

See fwohci(4) for security note.

May 23, 2002 DragonFly-5.6.1