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exec_sys_register, exec_sys_unregisterregister/unregister for resident execution

library “libc”

#include <sys/resident.h>

exec_sys_register(void *entry);

exec_sys_unregister(int id);

The () system call registers the binary of the calling process for resident execution. This snapshots the vmspace and causes future ()s of the specified binary to use the snapshot directly rather than load and relocate a new copy.

The () system call unregisters a resident binary identified by id, or the binary of the calling process if id is -1 , or all registered binaries if id is -2.

Both can only be done by the superuser.

The exec_sys_register() and exec_sys_unregister() functions return the value 0 if successful; otherwise the value -1 is returned and the global variable errno is set to indicate the error.

The exec_sys_register() system call will fail if one of the following occurs:

The binary is already resident.
No associated vnode exists.
The caller does not have sufficient permissions.

The exec_sys_unregister() system call will fail if one of the following occurs:

The specified id could not be found.
The caller does not have sufficient permissions.


The exec_sys_register and exec_sys_unregister system calls first appeared in DragonFly 1.0.

The exec_sys_register and exec_sys_unregister system calls were written by Matthew Dillon and this manual page was written by Sascha Wildner.

March 7, 2016 DragonFly-5.6.1