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DEVFSCTL(8) System Manager's Manual DEVFSCTL(8)

devfsctlmanipulate devfs rules

devfsctl -a -f file [-m mount_point]

devfsctl -d -f file

devfsctl -c [-m mount_point]

devfsctl -r [-m mount_point]

devfsctl -h

The devfsctl provides an interface to manipulate the in-kernel devfs(5) ruleset.

The options are as follows:

Load the ruleset specified by -f and apply it. It will not overwrite currently applied rules, but just append the new ones.
Clear the current ruleset. This does not reset the device nodes, but only clear out all stored rules so that they are not applied to new nodes. It is therefore recommended to use this command in conjunction with -r.
Reads ruleset specified by -f and then dumps its contents to stdout. The rules will not be applied. This option cannot be used in conjunction with any other option. It is useful for checking the correct syntax and order of the specified ruleset and will show the final interpretation as it would be applied.
Specifies the file containing the ruleset to be loaded. This option is a requirement for -a and -d.
Shows a usage message with a short description of devfsctl's options.
Specifies the mount point to which the loaded rules shall apply. If this option is not specified, the rules will apply to all devfs(5) mountpoints. The mount_point argument does not accept wildcards and must be an absolute path.
Reset all devfs(5) nodes to their original status. This does not clear the current ruleset and it is hence recommended to use this command together with -c.

Rules are specified one rule per line, with whitespace separated values. Empty lines and lines beginning with a “#” are ignored. Once applied, the rules are in effect for existing device nodes as well as future ones. Rules are applied in the order specified, thus later rules will override prior ones.

Names used in devfs(5) rules can be either device names (? and * wildcards are allowed), device types or existing groups. Groups are referenced in rules by prefixing them with ‘@’. A device type is one of the following list of special names:

disk devices/slices/partitions
tape devices
(kernel) memory devices
tty devices

Rule lines are of the following format:

action argument ...

Valid actions are group, include, hide, jail, link, perm and show:

group_name name ...
This will group the specified names into a group of the specified group_name.
Includes the specified rule file and processes its rules.
This will hide the device node(s) specified by name. A hidden node will not appear in directory listings and all operations on it will fail, except if it is open already. By default, everything except pty(4) nodes is shown.
A ‘yes’ argument will cause all following rules to only apply to mounts of devfs(5) inside a jail(8), until a “jail no” is reached.
rules will create a link node at the specified link_path to the given device. The path is relative to the mountpoint being operated on (see the -m option), which is usually /dev.

Note that for link rules, the device has to be a single device node and specifying a device type or group (unless it contains only one node) is not possible.

name user:group mode
A perm rule will applies the specified mode (octal, see chmod(1)) and ownership (see chown(2)) to name.
This will show previously hidden nodes again.

Global devfs ruleset file
Local devfs ruleset file

Examples of valid names:


Examples of valid rules:

group   foo     da*     ri*
group   foo     ad*
group   foo     md*

perm    da0     uucp:dialer 0644
link    foo     bar
hide    @foo
show    D_DISK
group   g1      a b f g
group   g2      c d
group   g3      @g1 h @g2 i j k D_MEM
jail    yes
hide    @g3
perm    @g3     root:wheel 0644
jail    no
group   cdrom   cd*     acd*
group   disks   da*
group   disks   ad*
group   drives  @disks  @cdrom

group   test    @disks  @g2     y
show    @drives
show    @disks
show    @test
link    da0     "my drives/my new da0"

devfs(5), mount_devfs(8)

The devfsctl utility appeared in DragonFly 2.3.

Alex Hornung

August 25, 2009 DragonFly-5.6.1