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BTHCID(8) System Manager's Manual BTHCID(8)

bthcidBluetooth Link Key/PIN Code Manager

bthcid [-fn] [-d device] [-m mode] [-s socket_name]

bthcid [-h]

The bthcid daemon manages link keys and PIN codes for Bluetooth devices. It opens a raw HCI socket and listens for the following HCI events.

bthcid scans the /var/db/bthcid.keys file for a cached link key matching the remote device BD_ADDR and, if found, the Link_Key_Request_Reply will be sent back to the device, otherwise the Link_Key_Request_Negative_Reply will be sent.

When a new link key is created by the device, it will be cached for future use in the /var/db/bthcid.keys link keys file, which will be created if it does not already exist.

The bthcid daemon checks its PIN cache for a matching remote device entry. If no PIN is found, the bthcid daemon will send a message to any PIN clients that have registered, with the device details and a timeout value. When no clients are available or the timeout has expired, bthcid will send a PIN_Code_Request_Negative_Reply back to the device. When a PIN is found, or if a client responds within the timeout period, a PIN_Code_Request_Reply will be sent back to the device.

PINs received from clients will be cached for 5 minutes until used, and may be added to the cache prior to pairing with the btpin(1) utility.

The command line options are as follows:

Specify the local Bluetooth device address. The default is BDADDR_ANY.
Run in foreground (do not detach).
Display usage message and exit.
Specify the file mode access bits for the PIN client socket. The default is to allow readwrite access to user and group (0660).
Do not listen for PIN clients.
Specify the socket name to listen on for PIN clients. The default path is /var/run/bthcid.


btpin(1), bluetooth(4), btconfig(8)

The bthcid daemon first appeared in FreeBSD 5.3 as hcsecd. It was ported to NetBSD 4.0 with its present name and extended to support PIN clients by Iain Hibbert under the sponsorship of Itronix, Inc.

Maksim Yevmenkin <>
Iain Hibbert

The only way to make the bthcid daemon forget a link key is to edit the /var/db/bthcid.keys file by hand.

The only way to specify link keys (useful when multiple operating systems are used on the same hardware), is to edit the /var/db/bthcid.keys file by hand.

September 29, 2006 DragonFly-5.6.1